LIAO Zi-wei1, ZHANG Bu-hong2,3, WU Zhi-cai1,2,3
1. Guangdong Tourism Strategy and Policy Research Center, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China;
2. School of Economics and Commerce, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China;
3. School of Tourism and Hotel Mangement, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
Abstract:The spatiotemporal characteristics and orders of individuals' daily activities reflecting their needs for space-time. This study selects Chaozhou Ancient Town as a case. It takes one day of weekend as a typical day, and use daily activity maps to collect residents and tourists activities data. We chose the activity analysis method and ArcGIS spatial analysis to analyze data, aimed at exploring the host-guest activity order of largescale tourism communities from three aspects: flow, distribution and status. The research shows, the original living space of Chaozhou ancient town evolved the function of tourism, and maintain the orderliness of hostguest activity, but there existed potential contradictions caused by the constraints of traffic control regulations and the co-occupation of the residents and tourists. The different intentions of the host and guest determined the dislocation of time and space in the event schedule. However, the host-guest activity remains orderlyeven at the time of "time-space sharing". It was because the ancient town still has enough space to accommodate the host-guest activity, and affected by ‘commercial hospitality’. Reasonable planning can effectively coordinate the life function and tourism function, and build a new order of host-guest activity in the negotiation and adaptation of the stakeholders.
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