Abstract:Pets have consistently played a significant role in providing emotional comfort and companionship in the daily lives of humans. However, despite this crucial role, pet owners often face numerous restrictions and challenges when attempting to engage in public leisure activities with their pets. This paper constructs a model of pet owners' leisure behavior, utilizing the fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis(fsQCA) method. This method allows for an in-depth analysis of how various factors, including leisure motivation, leisure constraints, and negotiation strategies, interact and influence the behavior of pet owners when they engage in public leisure activities with their pets. The findings of this study are multifaceted and highlight several key insights: 1) The participation of pet owners in public leisure activities is characterized by its complexity. 2) Low pet constraints and high pet attachment are crucial conditions for high-frequency leisure participation with pets. Cognitive enhancement, interpersonal coordination, and expenditure calculation negotiation strategies have differentiated effects on high-frequency leisure participation with pets. 3) Negotiation strategies can interact with leisure constraints to mitigate the limiting effects of leisure constraints on leisure participation with pets. 4) Finally, the research identifies that female pet owners with lower levels of education, as well as older individuals with higher income levels, are the primary demographics that actively participate in public leisure activities with their pets.
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