WEI Jun-feng1, MING Qing-zhong2
1. College of History, Culture and Tourism, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, China; 2. Institute of Tourism and Culture Industry Research, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, Kunming 650221, China
Abstract:As a theoretical movement of reflection on the "nature-society" dichotomy that emerged in Western human geography at the end of the 20th century, the social construction of nature considers that nature is essentially the social nature. It provides a new opportunity for geography to deepen the human-land relationship from the unity and hybridity of socio-nature, provides a new perspective for insight into the increasingly systematic and in-depth socio-ecological transformation, provides a new paradigm for promoting the harmony between man and nature, and provides a new topic for the advancement of geography and philosophy to be combined in a more systematic way, and thus has become a key theme of the Western human geography community and was introduced to China in 2017. In order to further deepen the relevant research, this paper examines the meaning of the term "nature", reviews the context in which the "social construction of nature" was proposed, its theoretical propositions and the relevant studies at home and abroad, and proposes several possible research directions for the future in China. The study found that: 1) The "nature" in the social construction of nature mainly refers to the the external, material world itself. 2) The theory of the social construction of nature considers "nature" as a hybrid and inseparable socio-nature. 3) Focusing on such topics as the process of social construction of nature, social construction of nature and space/place, and the ethics of social construction of nature, relevant studies in China reveal that in the process of social construction of nature, the discourse construction of nature and the material practice of nature are interrelated, and that the constructed nature will be embedded into the local society again. 4) In the context of the localization of the theory of social construction of nature, we should pay more attention to the construction of nature in the value realization of ecological products in China.
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