LIAO Yang-yue1, YU Chuan-peng1, LIN Chun-pei2,3
1. Department of Tourism Management, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China; 2. School of Business Administration, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou 362021, China; 3. Business Management Research Center, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou 362021, China
Abstract:Constantly impacting and reshaping inter-city connections, the spatial flow of digital technology knowledge elements dominates the formation and evolution of digital technology dual networks, and also brings new impetus and new mechanism for the integrated development of culture and tourism. 183, 309 pieces of digital technology cooperation patent big data used to depict China's digital technology dual network, text mining on 48,050 pieces of news data carried out to measure the integrated development level of culture and tourism in this paper, we use decision tree method to explore the comparative advantage path of high-level integrated development of culture and tourism in different types of cities on the basis of city cluster classification in response to the spatial characteristic practice of the deep integration of culture and tourism. The results show that: 1) The digital technology dual network has a three-layer topology of "peripheral, middle and core", thus Chinese cities can be divided into three types. 2) The different combinations of digital technology dual network embeddedness characteristics drive the same cities to obtain differentiated integrated development of culture and tourism. 3) The high-level integrated paths of culture and tourism of different types of cities show the effect of the same destination.
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