SOME ISSUES ON THE PROBLEMS OF THE URBAN LANDSCAPE ECOLOGICAL CONSTRUCTION ——A Case Study on the Ecological Construction of the Southern and NorthernMountains in Lanzhou
WANG Li-min
Institute of Environment and Resource Research Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China
Abstract:With the occurrence of many worldwide problems, such as population, resources and environment, the landscape ecology derived from traditional study of landscape geography has been concerned greatly since 1970s.Its application has expanded from national resource management, agriculture, the use of land, landscape and region planning to urban landscape ecology construction and planning.
The belt-shaped basin trait of Lanzhou city circled by the north and south hills makes multiple-landscape of city gardens, city forest and the unique metropolitan agriculture in this region. With the aim of bettering the eco-environment of Lanzhou city, the main task of forest and grass planting should be clarified to speed up the rebuilding of sloping land along the river.We should try to make the unique country landscape of the metropolitan agriculture and the particular forest and grass melt into the city landscape, and to remedy the flaws of west cities with various forms of the garden.Therefore, the forest could be pyramided naturally on the city and put the city in the circle of the forest so that it could offer an environment of nature and ecology to city dwellers. While offering the dwellers a pleasant environment, the construct ion of metropolitan agriculture must take the perfect integration of economic, social and ecologic functions into consideration.
The main functions of landscape ecosystem of the north and south mountains in Lanzhou city are keeping the balance of ecology and protecting the environment, as well as other functions such as metropolitan agriculture, sight seeing and tourism.During the planning of metropolitan agriculture, the natural at tribute of the landscape and the transitional trait of the city should be fully valued.Holding the direct ion of the whole service in the region, we could enrich the content of Yellow River Landscape Tourism of Lanzhou city further.
王利民. 试论城市景观生态建设问题——以兰州市南北两山生态建设为例[J]. 人文地理, 2003, 18(1): 94-96.
WANG Li-min. SOME ISSUES ON THE PROBLEMS OF THE URBAN LANDSCAPE ECOLOGICAL CONSTRUCTION ——A Case Study on the Ecological Construction of the Southern and NorthernMountains in Lanzhou. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY, 2003, 18(1): 94-96.