WANG Jiang-bo1, GOU Ai-ping2 |
1. School of Architecture, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211800, China;
2. School of Ecology and Engineering Technology, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 201418, China |
Abstract Efficient development of evacuation behavior is the fundamental motivation for refuge space and reasonable layout. The residents escape behavior autonomy is limited rationality, and its characteristic is an important basis for the refuge space layout. The lack of refuge resources in old city is a common problem all over the whole country. The research on the correlation on evacuation behavior and space is little during the current planning in the shelter engineering layout and related research. The core research questions of this paper including the type and spatial distribution of the refuge place chose by residents, and the characteristics of the residents in the evacuation. In this paper, taking Nanjing old residential district as an example, Behavior map is the mainly form of investigation in this topic. A map was distributed to each of the surveyed residents, and let them choose the path and target shelter to escape. The map number of the effective recovery is 1612.The author analysis the characteristics of emergency refuge space choice and behavior of residents, and explain the causes of the typical behavior from psychology. The conclusion of the study can be used as an important basis for refuge layout. The type of refuge space chose by residents is diverse, but the effectiveness is low. Select the number of low grade shelter is the most. The number of the residents who choose low grade shelter is the most. The space distribution of refuge sites is not balanced. The actual evacuation distance less than 500 meters. The refuge is near. A lot of people had gathered at the entrance to the district. There are some people who choose to stay still. Some residents return home to find their family. Distribution of refuge space showed obvious boundary effect. Finally, behavior based on the results of the analysis, the paper put forward the key principles that should be pay attention to shelter planning in the future.
Received: 22 September 2014