College of Tourism and Resource Environment, Xianyang Normal University, Xianyang 712000, China |
Abstract Since 1970s, developed countries entered the post-industrial age, the income and consumer culture's conversion for the urban residents caused the conversion of the tourism demands and behaviors, which was shown as the increased participation level during their tourism activities. In the background of this, the tourists put forward some new requests on the interpretive services of the tourism. They hoped the tourism executives could provide different interpretative types of service and project for the different tourists to enhance their experience. This paper regards the philosophy of humanism as the clue and analyses the relationship between the value of tourists and the interpretive system constructing in the background of the original ecological environment of the tourism place. Four kinds of different tourist interpretive system constructing model are summarized, which are the interpretive system constructing model of self-service travel type, interpretive system constructing model of hike travel type, interpretive system constructing model of camping or exploring travel type, and interpretive system constructing model of the leisure experience travel type. Taking the means-ends theory into account, these four kinds of different tourist interpretive system constructing model maximize the interests of the tourists and incarnate their individual value. In a word, based on the present domestic situation of tourism interpretive system theory research and adopted the means-ends theory and the value ladder method, this paper illuminates the basic factors involved in the tourism interpretive system, analyses the relationship of those factors, enable people to understand the tourism system's planning better and apply it in the early studies of tourism planning.The method involved in this paper can urge the tourism researchers and planers to understand the tourism interpretive system better. Especially, it can help people to choice the appropriate foundation factor.
Received: 13 September 2010