ZHANG Yuan-gang1, CHEN Xi2, YU Xiang-yang3, CHENG Jing-jing3, HU Xiao-ping4
1. College of Tourism, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China;
2. School of Sport Leisure and Tourism, Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084, China;
3. School of Tourism, Huangshan University, Huangshan 245021, China;
4. School of Economy and Management, Changshu Institute of Technology, Changshu 215500, China
Abstract:Based on the theory of identity, this study intends to build a theoretical model on the interactive influence mechanism between B&B brands and virtual community; and to explore the influential factors of tourists' B&B selection. From the perspective of man-land relationship, this study further explores the spatial differences of tourists' B&B selection behavior. In the path relationships between B&B brand identification and community identification, brand trust and community engagement, B&B brand identification and community identification on brand commitment, B&B brand and virtual community both have a non-parallel interactive influence on the traveler's identity. The results confirm that the two interactive paths can fully explain tourist's identity recognition mechanism and the factors that lead to the difference. The results are in line with the model construction assumption and indicate that the model has a good explanatory and predictive power on tourists' B & B selection. The results indicate that 1) the relationship model has strong explanatory power. 2) tourists' B&B brand identification has a positive impact on community identification, brand trust, and brand commitment; 3) B&B brand trust, community engagement, and brand commitment have significant partial mediating effects in their respective path relationships. 4) the group comparison of tourists' emotional difference helps to further identify the model's path relationships.
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