Abstract:This paper systematically puts forward the view that cultural geography in the post-industrialization stage should turn to the level of social value and the mission of civilization construction in cultural areas. Its idea can be called the value "factorial" view of cultural geography. First of all, based on the relationship between the social development stage and the evolution of social value in social science, this paper points out the coupling orientation of spatial social value and the correspondence between regional social civilization after the society enters the "mass consumption stage". Secondly, based on the reasoning of philosophical qualitative research, this paper discusses for the first time the orientation of the study on the quality of cultural geography under philosophical values, including the orientation of philosophical methods and the value orientation and value content of corresponding cultural geography research. Thirdly, from the perspective of philosophical methodology and knowledge view, this paper systematically demonstrates the value of cultural space under values and the mission of cultural geography in the structure of civilization, and puts forward the qualitative discussion of cultural geography on cultural space civilization, which involves the value identification of cultural areas under the mode of behavior and the civilized construction of cultural district structure. Finally, in the form of discussion, this paper puts forward the philosophical qualitative study of cultural geography, which should first confirm the clear relationship between the existence culture of cultural area and the identity of civilization, establish the theoretical and existing view of the phenomenon of cultural geography to civilization cognition, and discuss the concept of spatial quality construction of value culture justice.
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