Abstract:Child-centered family travel, i.e., parent-child tourism, is predicted to grow at a faster rate than all other forms of leisure travel, partly because it represents a way to reunite the family and for family members to spend time with each other. At the same time parent-child tourism is phenomena shaped by changes in contemporary Chinese family structures while the child-centered family arrangement has outstanding importance. But traditional tourism theories and models based on an individual tourist perspective, cannot effectively explain the phenomenon of group tourism, such as parent-child tourism. The concept of the family unit might be in question. In order to understand a tourist, we need to put him into the continuous levels of social complexity of "physiological factors-individual behavior-communication-relationship-group-society", while in different tourist scenarios (individual tourism-small group tourism-big group tourism) acting as different tourist role functions. This paper applies the co-presence theory and in-depth interview method, and takes Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo and Xuanwu Lake Area as research cases, and studies the urban family parent-child tourist behaviors, in order to answer the interactions between individual members in "group tourism". The study found that:1) The child-centered family tourist decision making model, the family identity and collective consciousness brought about by the co-presence with the sentimental and emotional involvements, pose challenges to the traditional tourism theories and models. 2) Objectively, we need a new kind of research paradigm from individual tourism to group tourism.
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