DENG Zi-han1,2, ZHANG Min1
1. College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China;
2. China Academy of Urban Planning & Design Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518040, China
Abstract:In daily life, humans' attitudes and affections about their spatial experience were expressed as emotions. Emotions usually played active roles in the cognition process and the behavior of residents' daily consumption activities. However, emotions had not received enough attention in studies of daily consumption and urban space. Especially, little had been known that during humans' spatial activities, what caused the human's emotions and how emotions affected on huma's life satisfactions. To fill above research gap, in this paper, we established the theoretical framework by adding spatial factors while applying the cognition-emotion-behavior model of consumer behavior theory. We took Nanjing as the case study city, especially focused on residents' daily consumption activities, consuming spaces and their emotions arising there during their daily consumption. The findings included:1) Individual economic status had significant negative impacts on negative emotions, whereas the impacts on positive emotions were not significant. 2) The perception of personal values had significant positive impacts on positive emotions and had significant negative impacts on negative emotions. 3) The physical environment in consuming spaces had significant positive impacts on positive emotions, whereas the impacts on negative emotions were not significant. 4) Social communication in consuming spaces had significant positive impacts on positive emotions, whereas the impacts on negative emotions were not significant. 5) Positive and negative emotions both had significant influences on the level of life satisfaction, with positive emotions leading to higher life satisfaction.
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