SUN Ye, ZHANG Hong-lei, LIU Pei-xue, ZHANG Jie
School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
Abstract:It is the web search engine that is an important way for tourists to get travel information. Therefore, it is easy to record behavior of tourists. Baidu Index, by searching times of relevant keywords, is able to find out the degree of tourist attention of travel network easily. With the changes of different clients, Baidu Index shows certain spatiotemporal difference and precursor effect. In order to find out the relationships between Baidu Index of PC client and mobile client and the actual visitor number of Mount Sanqingshan, paper used the econometric cointegration theory and Granger causality test. In addition, to forecast Tourism Flow Volume, the paper further establishes ARMA model of the daily visitor number of Mount Sanqingshan and VAR models which add Baidu Index of PC client or mobile client respectively. It is found that:1) There are long-term equilibrium relationships between the actual visitor number of Mount Sanqingshan and Baidu Index of PC client and mobile client of multigroup search keywords; 2) The results of variables Granger causality tests between Baidu Index of PC client and mobile client of Different search keywords and the actual visitor number of Mount Sanqingshan present significant inconsistencies; 3) Among the three prediction model, VAR model of mobile client is of the best prediction accuracy and ARMA model of the daily visitor number of Mount Sanqingshan is of the lowest prediction accuracy.
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雷可为,陈瑛.基于BP神经网络和ARIMA组合模型的中国入境游 客量预测[J].旅游学刊,2007,22(4):20-25. [Lei Kewei, Chen Ying. Forecast of inbound tourists to China based on BP neural network and ARIMA combined model[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2007,22(4):20-25.]
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Pan B, Hembrooke H, Joachims T, et al. In Google we trust: Users' decisions on rank, position, and relevance[J]. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2007,12(3):801-823.
Choi H, Varian H. Predicting the present with Google trends[J]. Economic Record, 2012,88(S1):2-9.
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张崇,吕本富,彭赓,等.网络搜索数据与CPI 的相关性研究[J].管理 科学学报,2012,15(7):50-59. [Zhang Chong, Lv Benfu, Peng Geng, et al. A study on correlation between web search data and CPI[J]. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2012,15(7):50-59.]
Goel S, Hofman J M, Lahaie S, et al. Predicting consumer behavior with web search[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2010,107(41):17486-17490.
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杨欣,吕本富.突发事件、投资者关注与股市波动——来自网络搜 索数据的经验证据[J].经济管理,2014,36(2):147-158. [Yang Xin, Lv Benfu. Emergency, investor attention and stock market volatility: Evidence from web search data[J]. Economic Management Journal, 2014,36(2):147-158.]
Mclaren N, Shanbhogue R. Using internet search data as economic indicators[J]. Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, 2011,51(2):134-140.
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陈涛,林杰.基于搜索引擎关注度的网络舆情时空演化比较分析 ——以谷歌趋势和百度指数比较为例[J].情报杂志,2013,32(3):7-10. [Chen Tao, Lin Jie. Comparative analysis of temporal-spatial evolution of online public opinion based on search engine attention: Cases of Google trends and Baidu index[J]. Journal of Intelligence, 2013,32(3):7-10.]
Cooper C, Mallon K, Leadbetter S, et al. Cancer Internet search activity on a major search engine, United States 2001—2003[J]. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2005,7(3):36.
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张捷,温明华,刘泽华,等.信息通信技术与旅行旅游业研究发展趋 势——国际信息技术与旅游业联盟(IFITT)11 届大会综述[J].旅 游学刊,2004,19(3):93-94. [Zhang Jie, Wen Minghua, Liu Zehua, et al. Development trend of information and communication technology and travel and tourism: Review on the 11st the international federation for IT and travel & tourism (IFITT) conference[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2004,19(3):93-94.]
Ginsberg J, Mohebbi M H, Patel R S, et al. Detecting influenza epidemics using search engine query data[J]. Nature, 2009,457(7232): 1012-1014.
Preis T, Moat H S, Stanley H E. Quantifying trading behavior in financial markets using Google trends[J]. Scientific Reports, 2013,3: 1-6.
张捷,刘泽华,解杼,等.中文旅游网站的空间类型及发展战略研究[J].地理科学,2004,24(4):493-499. [Zhang Jie, Liu Zehua, Xie Shu, et al. On types of the spacial distribution of Chinese tourist website[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2004,24(4):493-499.]
Dzielinski M. Measuring economic uncertainty and its impact on the stock market[J]. Finance Research Letters, 2012,9(3):167-175.
Choi H, Varian H. Predicting the present with Google trends[J]. Economic Record, 2012,88(S1):2-9.
程绍文,张捷,梁玥琳,等.我国旅游网站空间分布及动力机制研究[J]. 旅游学刊,2009,24(2):75-80. [Cheng Shaowen, Zhang Jie, Liang Yuelin, et al. Study on the spatial disturibution and dynamic mechanism of China's tourism websites[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2009, 24(2):75-80.]
Vosen S, Schmidt T. Forecasting private consumption: Surveybased indicators vs. Google trends[J]. Journal of Forecasting, 2011, 30(6):565-578.
张崇,吕本富,彭赓,等.网络搜索数据与CPI 的相关性研究[J].管理 科学学报,2012,15(7):50-59. [Zhang Chong, Lv Benfu, Peng Geng, et al. A study on correlation between web search data and CPI[J]. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2012,15(7):50-59.]
李莉,张捷.互联网信息评价对游客信息行为和出游决策的影响 研究[J].旅游学刊,2013,28(10):23-29. [Li Li, Zhang Jie. Impact of network information evaluation on tourists' information-related behavior and travel decisions[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2013,28(10):23-29.]
Goel S, Hofman J M, Lahaie S, et al. Predicting consumer behavior with web search[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2010,107(41):17486-17490.
杨欣,吕本富.突发事件、投资者关注与股市波动——来自网络搜 索数据的经验证据[J].经济管理,2014,36(2):147-158. [Yang Xin, Lv Benfu. Emergency, investor attention and stock market volatility: Evidence from web search data[J]. Economic Management Journal, 2014,36(2):147-158.]
涂玮,金丽娇.基于网络信息关注度的大学生旅游消费决策研究[J].北京第二外国语学院学报,2012(1):63-70. [Tu Wei, Jin Lijiao. Study on college student tourism consumption decision-making based on the attention to internet information[J]. Journal of Beijing International Studies University, 2012(1):63-70.]
Mclaren N, Shanbhogue R. Using internet search data as economic indicators[J]. Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, 2011,51(2):134-140.
陈涛,林杰.基于搜索引擎关注度的网络舆情时空演化比较分析 ——以谷歌趋势和百度指数比较为例[J].情报杂志,2013,32(3):7-10. [Chen Tao, Lin Jie. Comparative analysis of temporal-spatial evolution of online public opinion based on search engine attention: Cases of Google trends and Baidu index[J]. Journal of Intelligence, 2013,32(3):7-10.]
Pan B. The power of search engine ranking for tourist destinations[J]. Tourism Management, 2015,47:79-87.
Hand C, Judge G. Searching for the picture: Forecasting UK cinema admissions using Google trends data[J]. Applied Economics Letters, 2012,19(11):1051-1055.
张捷,温明华,刘泽华,等.信息通信技术与旅行旅游业研究发展趋 势——国际信息技术与旅游业联盟(IFITT)11 届大会综述[J].旅 游学刊,2004,19(3):93-94. [Zhang Jie, Wen Minghua, Liu Zehua, et al. Development trend of information and communication technology and travel and tourism: Review on the 11st the international federation for IT and travel & tourism (IFITT) conference[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2004,19(3):93-94.]
Pan B, Xiang Z, Law R, et al. The dynamics of search engine marketing for tourist destinations[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 2011, 50(4):365-377.
Preis T, Moat H S, Stanley H E. Quantifying trading behavior in financial markets using Google trends[J]. Scientific Reports, 2013,3: 1-6.
张捷,刘泽华,解杼,等.中文旅游网站的空间类型及发展战略研究[J].地理科学,2004,24(4):493-499. [Zhang Jie, Liu Zehua, Xie Shu, et al. On types of the spacial distribution of Chinese tourist website[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2004,24(4):493-499.]
路紫,李晓楠,杨小彦,等.基于旅游网站交互功能的访问者行为多 时间维度研究[J].经济地理,2010,30(12):2100-2103. [Lu Zi, Li Xiaonan, Yang Xiaoyan, et al. Multiple time dimensions of visitors' behavior based on the interactive function of tourism websites[J]. Economic Geography, 2010,30(12):2100-2103.]
Choi H, Varian H. Predicting the present with Google trends[J]. Economic Record, 2012,88(S1):2-9.
程绍文,张捷,梁玥琳,等.我国旅游网站空间分布及动力机制研究[J]. 旅游学刊,2009,24(2):75-80. [Cheng Shaowen, Zhang Jie, Liang Yuelin, et al. Study on the spatial disturibution and dynamic mechanism of China's tourism websites[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2009, 24(2):75-80.]
路紫,赵亚红,吴士锋,等.旅游网站访问者行为的时间分布及导引 分析[J].地理学报,2007,62(6):621-630. [Lu Zi, Zhao Yahong, Wu Shifeng, et al. The time distribution and guide analysis of visiting behavior of tourism website user[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2007,62(6):621-630.]
张崇,吕本富,彭赓,等.网络搜索数据与CPI 的相关性研究[J].管理 科学学报,2012,15(7):50-59. [Zhang Chong, Lv Benfu, Peng Geng, et al. A study on correlation between web search data and CPI[J]. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2012,15(7):50-59.]
李莉,张捷.互联网信息评价对游客信息行为和出游决策的影响 研究[J].旅游学刊,2013,28(10):23-29. [Li Li, Zhang Jie. Impact of network information evaluation on tourists' information-related behavior and travel decisions[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2013,28(10):23-29.]
路紫,刘娜.澳大利亚旅游网站信息流对旅游人流的导引:过程、 强度和机理问题[J].人文地理,2007,22(5):88-93. [Lu Zi, Liu Na. The guiding effect of information flow of Australian tourism website on tourist flow: Process, intensity and mechanism[J]. Human Geography, 2007,22(5):88-93.]
杨欣,吕本富.突发事件、投资者关注与股市波动——来自网络搜 索数据的经验证据[J].经济管理,2014,36(2):147-158. [Yang Xin, Lv Benfu. Emergency, investor attention and stock market volatility: Evidence from web search data[J]. Economic Management Journal, 2014,36(2):147-158.]
涂玮,金丽娇.基于网络信息关注度的大学生旅游消费决策研究[J].北京第二外国语学院学报,2012(1):63-70. [Tu Wei, Jin Lijiao. Study on college student tourism consumption decision-making based on the attention to internet information[J]. Journal of Beijing International Studies University, 2012(1):63-70.]
Davidson A P, Yu Y M. The internet and the occidental tourist: An analysis of Taiwan's tourism websites from the perspective of western tourists[J]. Information Technology & Tourism, 2005,7(2):91-102.
陈涛,林杰.基于搜索引擎关注度的网络舆情时空演化比较分析 ——以谷歌趋势和百度指数比较为例[J].情报杂志,2013,32(3):7-10. [Chen Tao, Lin Jie. Comparative analysis of temporal-spatial evolution of online public opinion based on search engine attention: Cases of Google trends and Baidu index[J]. Journal of Intelligence, 2013,32(3):7-10.]
Pan B. The power of search engine ranking for tourist destinations[J]. Tourism Management, 2015,47:79-87.
李山,邱荣旭,陈玲.基于百度指数的旅游景区络空间关注度:时间 分布及其前兆效应[J].地理与地理信息科学,2008,24(6):102-107.[Li Shan, Qiu Rongxu, Chen Ling. Cyberspace attention of tourist attractions based on Baidu Index: Temporal distribution and precursor effect[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2008,24(6): 102-107.]
张捷,温明华,刘泽华,等.信息通信技术与旅行旅游业研究发展趋 势——国际信息技术与旅游业联盟(IFITT)11 届大会综述[J].旅 游学刊,2004,19(3):93-94. [Zhang Jie, Wen Minghua, Liu Zehua, et al. Development trend of information and communication technology and travel and tourism: Review on the 11st the international federation for IT and travel & tourism (IFITT) conference[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2004,19(3):93-94.]
Pan B, Xiang Z, Law R, et al. The dynamics of search engine marketing for tourist destinations[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 2011, 50(4):365-377.
马丽君,孙根年,黄芸玛,等.城市国内客流量与游客网络关注度时 空相关分析[J]. 经济地理,2011,31(4):680-685. [Ma Lijun, Sun Gennian, Huang Yunma, et al. A correlative analysis on the relationship between domestic tourists and network attention[J]. Economic Geography, 2011,31(4):680-685.]
张捷,刘泽华,解杼,等.中文旅游网站的空间类型及发展战略研究[J].地理科学,2004,24(4):493-499. [Zhang Jie, Liu Zehua, Xie Shu, et al. On types of the spacial distribution of Chinese tourist website[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2004,24(4):493-499.]
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龙茂兴,孙根年,马丽君,等.区域旅游网络关注度与客流量时空动 态比较分析——以四川为例[J].地域研究与开发,2011,30(3):93-97. [Long Maoxing, Sun Gennian, Ma Lijun, et al. An analysis on the variation between the degree of consumer attention of travel network and tourist flow in regional tourism: A case of Sichuan Province[J]. Areal Research and Development, 2011,30(3):93-97.]
程绍文,张捷,梁玥琳,等.我国旅游网站空间分布及动力机制研究[J]. 旅游学刊,2009,24(2):75-80. [Cheng Shaowen, Zhang Jie, Liang Yuelin, et al. Study on the spatial disturibution and dynamic mechanism of China's tourism websites[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2009, 24(2):75-80.]
路紫,赵亚红,吴士锋,等.旅游网站访问者行为的时间分布及导引 分析[J].地理学报,2007,62(6):621-630. [Lu Zi, Zhao Yahong, Wu Shifeng, et al. The time distribution and guide analysis of visiting behavior of tourism website user[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2007,62(6):621-630.]
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李莉,张捷.互联网信息评价对游客信息行为和出游决策的影响 研究[J].旅游学刊,2013,28(10):23-29. [Li Li, Zhang Jie. Impact of network information evaluation on tourists' information-related behavior and travel decisions[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2013,28(10):23-29.]
路紫,刘娜.澳大利亚旅游网站信息流对旅游人流的导引:过程、 强度和机理问题[J].人文地理,2007,22(5):88-93. [Lu Zi, Liu Na. The guiding effect of information flow of Australian tourism website on tourist flow: Process, intensity and mechanism[J]. Human Geography, 2007,22(5):88-93.]
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涂玮,金丽娇.基于网络信息关注度的大学生旅游消费决策研究[J].北京第二外国语学院学报,2012(1):63-70. [Tu Wei, Jin Lijiao. Study on college student tourism consumption decision-making based on the attention to internet information[J]. Journal of Beijing International Studies University, 2012(1):63-70.]
Davidson A P, Yu Y M. The internet and the occidental tourist: An analysis of Taiwan's tourism websites from the perspective of western tourists[J]. Information Technology & Tourism, 2005,7(2):91-102.
Yang X, Pan B, Evans J A, et al. Forecasting Chinese tourist volume with search engine data[J]. Tourism Management, 2015,46:386-397.
Pan B. The power of search engine ranking for tourist destinations[J]. Tourism Management, 2015,47:79-87.
李山,邱荣旭,陈玲.基于百度指数的旅游景区络空间关注度:时间 分布及其前兆效应[J].地理与地理信息科学,2008,24(6):102-107.[Li Shan, Qiu Rongxu, Chen Ling. Cyberspace attention of tourist attractions based on Baidu Index: Temporal distribution and precursor effect[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2008,24(6): 102-107.]
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Pan B, Xiang Z, Law R, et al. The dynamics of search engine marketing for tourist destinations[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 2011, 50(4):365-377.
马丽君,孙根年,黄芸玛,等.城市国内客流量与游客网络关注度时 空相关分析[J]. 经济地理,2011,31(4):680-685. [Ma Lijun, Sun Gennian, Huang Yunma, et al. A correlative analysis on the relationship between domestic tourists and network attention[J]. Economic Geography, 2011,31(4):680-685.]
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王硕,曾克峰,童洁,等.黄金周风景名胜区旅游客流量与网络关注 度相关性分析——以庐山、华山、八达岭长城风景名胜区为例[J]. 经济地理,2013,33(11):182-186. [Wang Shuo, Zeng Kefeng, Tong Jie, et al. A correlative analysis of the relationship between tourists and tourist network attention for scenic spots in special session[J]. Economic Geography, 2013,33(11):182-186.]
Gawlik E, Kabaria H, Kaur S. Predicting tourism trends with Google insights[EB/OL].(2011-12-15) [2015-12-02]. http://cs229. stanford. edu/proj2011/Gawlik Kaur-Kabaria -Predicting-Tourism Trends with Google Insights. pdf.
林志慧,马耀峰,刘宪锋,等.旅游景区网络关注度时空分布特征分 析[J].资源科学,2012,34(12):2427-2433. [Lin Zhihui, Ma Yaofeng, Liu Xianfeng. Spatial and temporal features of network attention of scenic areas[J]. Resources Science, 2012,34(12):2427-2433.]
Pan B, Wu D C, Song H. Forecasting hotel room demand using search engine data[J]. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Technology, 2012,3(3):196-210.
李嫣怡,刘荣,丁维岱.EViews 统计分析与应用修订版[M].北京:电 子工业出版社,2013:147-152,178-185,153-161,165-170,171-177.[Li Yanyi, Liu Rong, Ding Weidai. Eviews Statistical Analysis and Application (Revised Edition) [M]. Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2013:147-152,178-185,153-161,165-170,171-177.]