Abstract:Since reform and opening up, China has achieved great success in economic development, but the income distribution mechanism has changed either, and caused substantial gaps in residents' income as well. As one of the major source of residents' income, the regional difference of wage is a crucial factor in influencing workforce flow and firm location and has a major effect on regional labor market integration and regional economic integration. So it is vital to explore the formation mechanism and influencing factors of regional wage difference. Among all the existing studies focused on regional wage difference, most of them conducted relative studies based on the average wage of all the urban workers and neglected the difference among different industries. Based on new economic geography and spatial agglomeration theory, this study explores the impact of market potential, industrial agglomeration, human capital, institutional reform and other factors on wage level across different industries by using panel data from 2005 to 2012 of 13 cities located in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region which is a typical region of unbalanced development. The results show that:1) Market potential has a certain promoting effect on wage growth among all sectors. 2) The spatial agglomeration of manufacturing, producer services and public services have a certain role in promoting the growth of average wage, however, the crowding effect of manufacturing agglomeration has begun to reflect, implying the urgency of industrial restructuring and upgrading of manufacturing in future. 3) In terms of control variables, the enhancement effect of transportation infrastructure on wage has been gradually weakening, indicating the importance of achieving infrastructure transition to people's livelihood in future.
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郭凤鸣,张世伟.教育和户籍歧视对城镇工和农民工工资差异的影响[J].农业经济问题,2011(6):35-42.[Guo Fengming,Zhang Shiwei.The effect of education discrimination and household discrimination on the wage differences between urban workers and migrant workers[J].Issues in Agricultural Economy,2011(6):35-42.]
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Brülhart M,Mathys N A.Sectoral agglomeration economies in a panel of European regions[J].Regional Science and Urban Economics,2008,38(4):348-362.
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Brülhart M,Mathys N A.Sectoral agglomeration economies in a panel of European regions[J].Regional Science and Urban Economics,2008,38(4):348-362.