XU Yan1,2, YU Bin1, LI Jiang-min3, ZHU Lei1, CHEN Guo-lei1
1. Key Laboratory for Geographical Process & Simulation of Hubei Province, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China;
2. College of Environmental Science and Tourism, Nanyang Normal University, Nanyang 473061, China;
3. College of Management, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China
摘要 随着户外游憩研究的不断深入,获取有效游憩行为和环境信息的重要性突显,美国学者麦肯奇(McKenzie)研创出社区玩耍与游憩观察系统方法(System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities,SOPARC)能够瞬时批量高效获取户外游憩活动信息,因而在西方游憩行为研究中逐步获得广泛运用。本文使用文献检索和文献分析法,通过查阅和分析近年西方学者对社区玩耍与游憩观察系统方法的主要应用成果,归纳出西方学者对SOPARC应用研究的热点。通过西方学者应用SOPARC方法研究的特点评述,提出该方法对我国研究的若干启示:SOPARC方法科学有效,能够为我国游憩研究提供技术支撑,但引入应用需要根据中国国情进行改进;SOPARC方法应用广泛,可主要用于游憩行为调查、游憩设施和环境规划及游憩地管理中。
Abstract:With the further study of outdoor recreation, it is much important to obtain effective recreation activity and contextual information. McKenzie developed SOPARC (system for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities) which can obtain observational data on the number of participants and their physical activity levels during physical activity and leisure opportunities in community environments. SOPARC were gradually used in the studies of public parks in western countries. Identifying the demographics and physical activity levels of park users could inform park promotions and programming and be used to develop interventions to promote physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior through park use. Based on literature review, this paper describes origin and conception of SOPARC in western countries. At the same, it also analyzes application results of SOPARC in western countries, summarize its research method and research object. The recent research on SOPARC is focused on the following four aspects:1) research on various types of recreationists (different age, gender, race/ethnicity); 2) research on different recreational activities (physical activity, shopping, entertainment, walking the dog); 3) research on many types of recreational places (different country, park, area); 4) research on recreational environment facility planning and management.
徐燕, 余斌, 李江敏, 朱磊, 陈国磊. 西方国家社区玩耍与游憩观察系统方法的应用研究及启示[J]. 人文地理, 2018, 33(3): 11-19,160.
Reed J A, Arant C A, Wells P, et al. A descriptive examination of the most frequently used activity settings in 25 community parks using direct observation[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2008,5(1):183-195.
King D K, Allen P, Jones D L, et al. Safe, affordable, convenient:Environmental features of malls and other public spaces used by older adults for walking[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2016,13(3):289-295.
Hino A A F, Reis R S, Ribeiro I C, et al. Using observational methods to evaluate public open spaces and physical activity in Brazil[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2010,7(2):146-154.
Mckenzie T L, Cohen D A, Sehgal A, et al. System for observing play and recreation in communities (SOPARC):Reliability and feasibility measures[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2006,3(1):208-222.
Hino A A F, Reis R S, Ribeiro I C, et al. Using observational methods to evaluate public open spaces and physical activity in Brazil[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2010,7(2):146-154.
Hochschild A, Machung A. The Second Shift[M]. New York:Viking, 1989:278.
Reed J A, Arant C A, Wells P, et al. A descriptive examination of the most frequently used activity settings in 25 community parks using direct observation[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2008,5(1):183-195.
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Reed J A, Arant C A, Wells P, et al. A descriptive examination of the most frequently used activity settings in 25 community parks using direct observation[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2008,5(1):183-195.
Glyptis S, Chambers D. No place like home[J]. Leisure Studies, 1982,1(3):247-262.
Hochschild A, Machung A. The Second Shift[M]. New York:Viking, 1989:278.
Han B, Cohen D, Derose K P, et al. How much neighborhood parks contribute to local residents' physical activity in the city of Los Angeles:A meta-analysis[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2014,69(1):106-110.
Hochschild A, Machung A. The Second Shift[M]. New York:Viking, 1989:278.
Bialeschki M D, Henderson K. Leisure in the common world of women[J]. Leisure Studies, 1986,5(3):29-46.
Glyptis S, Chambers D. No place like home[J]. Leisure Studies, 1982,1(3):247-262.
Cohen D A, Han B, Derose K P. Neighborhood poverty, park use, and park-based physical activity in southern California city[J]. Social Science Medicine, 2012,75(12):2317-2325.
Glyptis S, Chambers D. No place like home[J]. Leisure Studies, 1982,1(3):247-262.
Shores K A, West S T. Physical activity outcomes associated with African American park visitation in four community parks[J]. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 2008,26(3):75-92.
Bialeschki M D, Henderson K. Leisure in the common world of women[J]. Leisure Studies, 1986,5(3):29-46.
Evenson K R, Jones S A, Holliday K M, et al. Park characteristics, use, and physical activity:A review of studies using SOPARC[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2016,86(5):153-166.
Wen M, Zhang X, Harris C D, et al. Spatial disparities in the distribution of parks and green spaces in the USA[J]. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 2013,45(1):18-27.
Bialeschki M D, Henderson K. Leisure in the common world of women[J]. Leisure Studies, 1986,5(3):29-46.
Shores K A, West S T. Physical activity outcomes associated with African American park visitation in four community parks[J]. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 2008,26(3):75-92.
Bocarro J N, Floyd M, Moore R. Adaptation of the system for observing physical activity and recreation in communities (SOPARC) to assess age groupings of children[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2009,6(6):699-707.
Kaczynski A T, Wilhelm S A, Hastmannn T J. Variations in observed park physical activity intensity level by gender, race, and age:Individual and joint effects[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(2):151-160.
Shores K A, West S T. Physical activity outcomes associated with African American park visitation in four community parks[J]. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 2008,26(3):75-92.
Wen M, Zhang X, Harris C D, et al. Spatial disparities in the distribution of parks and green spaces in the USA[J]. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 2013,45(1):18-27.
Reed J A, Hooker S P. Where are youth physically active? A descriptive examination of 45 parks in a southeastern community[J]. Childhood Obesity, 2012,8(2):124-131.
Reed J A, Morrison A, Arant C. Profile differences of users of paved versus natural-surface trails[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2009,6(1):112-118.
Wen M, Zhang X, Harris C D, et al. Spatial disparities in the distribution of parks and green spaces in the USA[J]. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 2013,45(1):18-27.
Kaczynski A T, Wilhelm S A, Hastmannn T J. Variations in observed park physical activity intensity level by gender, race, and age:Individual and joint effects[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(2):151-160.
Floyd M F, Bocarro J N, Smith W R, et al. Park-based physical activity among children and adolescents[J]. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2011,41(3):258-265.
Kaczynski A T, Wilhelm S A, Hastmannn T J. Variations in observed park physical activity intensity level by gender, race, and age:Individual and joint effects[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(2):151-160.
Ward P, McKenzie T L, Cohen D, et al. Physical activity surveillance in parks using direct observation[J]. Preventing Chronic Disease:Public Health Research, Practice, and Policy, 2014,11(2):130-147.
Reed J A, Morrison A, Arant C. Profile differences of users of paved versus natural-surface trails[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2009,6(1):112-118.
Pleson E, Nieuwendyk L M, Lee K K. Understanding older adults' usage of community green spaces in Taipei, Taiwan[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2014,11(2):1444-1464.
Reed J A, Morrison A, Arant C. Profile differences of users of paved versus natural-surface trails[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2009,6(1):112-118.
Reed J, Price A, Grost L, et al. Demographic characteristics and physical activity behaviors in sixteen Michigan parks[J]. Journal of Community Health, 2012,37(2):507-512.
Ward P, McKenzie T L, Cohen D, et al. Physical activity surveillance in parks using direct observation[J]. Preventing Chronic Disease:Public Health Research, Practice, and Policy, 2014,11(2):130-147.
King D K, Allen P, Jones D L, et al. Safe, affordable, convenient:Environmental features of malls and other public spaces used by older adults for walking[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2016,13(3):289-295.
Parra D C, McKenzie T L, Ribeiro I C. Assessing physical activity in public parks in Brazil using systematic observation[J]. American Journal of Public Health, 2010,100(8):1420-1426.
Ward P, McKenzie T L, Cohen D, et al. Physical activity surveillance in parks using direct observation[J]. Preventing Chronic Disease:Public Health Research, Practice, and Policy, 2014,11(2):130-147.
Reed J, Price A, Grost L, et al. Demographic characteristics and physical activity behaviors in sixteen Michigan parks[J]. Journal of Community Health, 2012,37(2):507-512.
Hino A A F, Reis R S, Ribeiro I C, et al. Using observational methods to evaluate public open spaces and physical activity in Brazil[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2010,7(2):146-154.
Reed J, Price A, Grost L, et al. Demographic characteristics and physical activity behaviors in sixteen Michigan parks[J]. Journal of Community Health, 2012,37(2):507-512.
Muftuler M, Yapar A, Irez G. Examination of public parks for physical activity patterns in urban neighborhood parks:Insights from a multiple case study[J]. BMC Public Health, 2014,14(9):962.
Parra D C, McKenzie T L, Ribeiro I C. Assessing physical activity in public parks in Brazil using systematic observation[J]. American Journal of Public Health, 2010,100(8):1420-1426.
Reed J A, Arant C A, Wells P, et al. A descriptive examination of the most frequently used activity settings in 25 community parks using direct observation[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2008,5(1):183-195.
Ramos W D, Ross C M. Indoor waterpark:An examination of physical activity level and use patterns of youth participants[J]. Internal Journal of Aquatic Research & Education, 2013,7(3):238-253.
Parra D C, McKenzie T L, Ribeiro I C. Assessing physical activity in public parks in Brazil using systematic observation[J]. American Journal of Public Health, 2010,100(8):1420-1426.
Muftuler M, Yapar A, Irez G. Examination of public parks for physical activity patterns in urban neighborhood parks:Insights from a multiple case study[J]. BMC Public Health, 2014,14(9):962.
Hochschild A, Machung A. The Second Shift[M]. New York:Viking, 1989:278.
Muftuler M, Yapar A, Irez G. Examination of public parks for physical activity patterns in urban neighborhood parks:Insights from a multiple case study[J]. BMC Public Health, 2014,14(9):962.
Evenson K R, Shay E, Williamson S. Use of dog parks and the contribution to physical activity for their owners[J]. Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport, 2016,87(2):165-173.
Ramos W D, Ross C M. Indoor waterpark:An examination of physical activity level and use patterns of youth participants[J]. Internal Journal of Aquatic Research & Education, 2013,7(3):238-253.
Glyptis S, Chambers D. No place like home[J]. Leisure Studies, 1982,1(3):247-262.
Ramos W D, Ross C M. Indoor waterpark:An examination of physical activity level and use patterns of youth participants[J]. Internal Journal of Aquatic Research & Education, 2013,7(3):238-253.
Temple V, British C, Rhodes R. Unleashing physical activity:An observational study of park use, dog walking, and physical activity[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(6):764-766.
Evenson K R, Shay E, Williamson S. Use of dog parks and the contribution to physical activity for their owners[J]. Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport, 2016,87(2):165-173.
Bialeschki M D, Henderson K. Leisure in the common world of women[J]. Leisure Studies, 1986,5(3):29-46.
Van D, Delfien D, Vandyck S, et al. Associations of neighborhood characteristics with active park use:An observational study in two cities in the USA and Belgium[J]. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2013,12(5):1-9.
Evenson K R, Shay E, Williamson S. Use of dog parks and the contribution to physical activity for their owners[J]. Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport, 2016,87(2):165-173.
Temple V, British C, Rhodes R. Unleashing physical activity:An observational study of park use, dog walking, and physical activity[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(6):764-766.
Shores K A, West S T. Physical activity outcomes associated with African American park visitation in four community parks[J]. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 2008,26(3):75-92.
Temple V, British C, Rhodes R. Unleashing physical activity:An observational study of park use, dog walking, and physical activity[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(6):764-766.
Tu H, Liao X, Schuller K, et al. Insights from an observational assessment of park-based physical activity in Nanchang, China[J]. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2015,2(3):930-934.
Van D, Delfien D, Vandyck S, et al. Associations of neighborhood characteristics with active park use:An observational study in two cities in the USA and Belgium[J]. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2013,12(5):1-9.
Wen M, Zhang X, Harris C D, et al. Spatial disparities in the distribution of parks and green spaces in the USA[J]. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 2013,45(1):18-27.
Van D, Delfien D, Vandyck S, et al. Associations of neighborhood characteristics with active park use:An observational study in two cities in the USA and Belgium[J]. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2013,12(5):1-9.
骆天庆.美国城市公园的建设管理与发展启示:以洛杉矶市为例[J].中国园林,2013(7):67-71.[Luo Tianqing. Urban park construction and management in US:Case study of Los Angeles city and its enlightenment to China cities[J]. Chinese Landscape Architecture, 2013(7):67-71.]
Tu H, Liao X, Schuller K, et al. Insights from an observational assessment of park-based physical activity in Nanchang, China[J]. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2015,2(3):930-934.
Kaczynski A T, Wilhelm S A, Hastmannn T J. Variations in observed park physical activity intensity level by gender, race, and age:Individual and joint effects[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(2):151-160.
Tu H, Liao X, Schuller K, et al. Insights from an observational assessment of park-based physical activity in Nanchang, China[J]. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2015,2(3):930-934.
Veitch J, Carver A, Abbott G. How active are people in metropolitan parks? An observational study of park visitation in Australia[J]. BMC Public Health, 2015,15(1):1-8.
骆天庆.美国城市公园的建设管理与发展启示:以洛杉矶市为例[J].中国园林,2013(7):67-71.[Luo Tianqing. Urban park construction and management in US:Case study of Los Angeles city and its enlightenment to China cities[J]. Chinese Landscape Architecture, 2013(7):67-71.]
Reed J A, Morrison A, Arant C. Profile differences of users of paved versus natural-surface trails[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2009,6(1):112-118.
骆天庆.美国城市公园的建设管理与发展启示:以洛杉矶市为例[J].中国园林,2013(7):67-71.[Luo Tianqing. Urban park construction and management in US:Case study of Los Angeles city and its enlightenment to China cities[J]. Chinese Landscape Architecture, 2013(7):67-71.]
Shores K A, West S T. Rural and urban park visits and park-based physical activity[J]. Preventive Medicine:An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory, 2010,50(1):13-17.
Veitch J, Carver A, Abbott G. How active are people in metropolitan parks? An observational study of park visitation in Australia[J]. BMC Public Health, 2015,15(1):1-8.
Ward P, McKenzie T L, Cohen D, et al. Physical activity surveillance in parks using direct observation[J]. Preventing Chronic Disease:Public Health Research, Practice, and Policy, 2014,11(2):130-147.
Lindberg M, Schipperijn J. Active use of urban park facilities:Expectations versus reality[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2015,14(4):909-918.
Veitch J, Carver A, Abbott G. How active are people in metropolitan parks? An observational study of park visitation in Australia[J]. BMC Public Health, 2015,15(1):1-8.
Shores K A, West S T. Rural and urban park visits and park-based physical activity[J]. Preventive Medicine:An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory, 2010,50(1):13-17.
Reed J, Price A, Grost L, et al. Demographic characteristics and physical activity behaviors in sixteen Michigan parks[J]. Journal of Community Health, 2012,37(2):507-512.
Baran P K, Smith W R, Moore R C, et al. Park use among youth and adults:Examination of individual, social, and urban form factors[J]. Environment & Behavior, 2014,46(6):768-800.
Shores K A, West S T. Rural and urban park visits and park-based physical activity[J]. Preventive Medicine:An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory, 2010,50(1):13-17.
Lindberg M, Schipperijn J. Active use of urban park facilities:Expectations versus reality[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2015,14(4):909-918.
Parra D C, McKenzie T L, Ribeiro I C. Assessing physical activity in public parks in Brazil using systematic observation[J]. American Journal of Public Health, 2010,100(8):1420-1426.
Cohen D A, Han B, Isacoff J. Impact of park renovations on park use and park-based physical activity[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2015,12(2):289-295.
Lindberg M, Schipperijn J. Active use of urban park facilities:Expectations versus reality[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2015,14(4):909-918.
Baran P K, Smith W R, Moore R C, et al. Park use among youth and adults:Examination of individual, social, and urban form factors[J]. Environment & Behavior, 2014,46(6):768-800.
Muftuler M, Yapar A, Irez G. Examination of public parks for physical activity patterns in urban neighborhood parks:Insights from a multiple case study[J]. BMC Public Health, 2014,14(9):962.
Roemmich J N, Beeler J E, Johnson L A. A microenvironment approach to reducing sedentary time and increasing physical activity of children and adults at a playground[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2014,62(5):108-112.
Baran P K, Smith W R, Moore R C, et al. Park use among youth and adults:Examination of individual, social, and urban form factors[J]. Environment & Behavior, 2014,46(6):768-800.
Cohen D A, Han B, Isacoff J. Impact of park renovations on park use and park-based physical activity[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2015,12(2):289-295.
Ramos W D, Ross C M. Indoor waterpark:An examination of physical activity level and use patterns of youth participants[J]. Internal Journal of Aquatic Research & Education, 2013,7(3):238-253.
Whiting J W, Larson L R, Green G T. Monitoring visitation in Georgia State Parks using the system for observing play and recreation in communities(SOPARC)[J]. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 2011,30(4):21-37.
Cohen D A, Han B, Isacoff J. Impact of park renovations on park use and park-based physical activity[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2015,12(2):289-295.
Roemmich J N, Beeler J E, Johnson L A. A microenvironment approach to reducing sedentary time and increasing physical activity of children and adults at a playground[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2014,62(5):108-112.
Evenson K R, Shay E, Williamson S. Use of dog parks and the contribution to physical activity for their owners[J]. Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport, 2016,87(2):165-173.
Cohen D A, Marsh Terry, Williamson S, et al. The potential for pocket parks to increase physical activity[J]. American Journal of Health Promotion, 2014,28(3):19-26.
Roemmich J N, Beeler J E, Johnson L A. A microenvironment approach to reducing sedentary time and increasing physical activity of children and adults at a playground[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2014,62(5):108-112.
Whiting J W, Larson L R, Green G T. Monitoring visitation in Georgia State Parks using the system for observing play and recreation in communities(SOPARC)[J]. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 2011,30(4):21-37.
Temple V, British C, Rhodes R. Unleashing physical activity:An observational study of park use, dog walking, and physical activity[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(6):764-766.
Han B, Cohen D A, Derose K P. Effectiveness of a free exercise program in a neighborhood park[J]. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2015,2(1):255-258.
Whiting J W, Larson L R, Green G T. Monitoring visitation in Georgia State Parks using the system for observing play and recreation in communities(SOPARC)[J]. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 2011,30(4):21-37.
Cohen D A, Marsh Terry, Williamson S, et al. The potential for pocket parks to increase physical activity[J]. American Journal of Health Promotion, 2014,28(3):19-26.
Van D, Delfien D, Vandyck S, et al. Associations of neighborhood characteristics with active park use:An observational study in two cities in the USA and Belgium[J]. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2013,12(5):1-9.
Cohen D A, Marsh Terry, Williamson S, et al. The potential for pocket parks to increase physical activity[J]. American Journal of Health Promotion, 2014,28(3):19-26.
Shores K A, West S T. Response to ‘Unusually high levels of physical activity in North Carolina’, by Drs. Cohen and McKenzie[J]. Preventive Medicine:An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory, 2010,51(2):189-190.
Han B, Cohen D A, Derose K P. Effectiveness of a free exercise program in a neighborhood park[J]. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2015,2(1):255-258.
Tu H, Liao X, Schuller K, et al. Insights from an observational assessment of park-based physical activity in Nanchang, China[J]. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2015,2(3):930-934.
Cohen D A, Setodji C, Evenson K R, et al. How much observation is enough? Refining the administration of SOPARC[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(8):1117-1123.
Han B, Cohen D A, Derose K P. Effectiveness of a free exercise program in a neighborhood park[J]. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2015,2(1):255-258.
Shores K A, West S T. Response to ‘Unusually high levels of physical activity in North Carolina’, by Drs. Cohen and McKenzie[J]. Preventive Medicine:An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory, 2010,51(2):189-190.
骆天庆.美国城市公园的建设管理与发展启示:以洛杉矶市为例[J].中国园林,2013(7):67-71.[Luo Tianqing. Urban park construction and management in US:Case study of Los Angeles city and its enlightenment to China cities[J]. Chinese Landscape Architecture, 2013(7):67-71.]
Joseph R P, Maddock, J E. Observational park-based physical activity studies:A systematic review of the literature[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2016,89(8):257-277.
Shores K A, West S T. Response to ‘Unusually high levels of physical activity in North Carolina’, by Drs. Cohen and McKenzie[J]. Preventive Medicine:An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory, 2010,51(2):189-190.
Cohen D A, Setodji C, Evenson K R, et al. How much observation is enough? Refining the administration of SOPARC[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(8):1117-1123.
Veitch J, Carver A, Abbott G. How active are people in metropolitan parks? An observational study of park visitation in Australia[J]. BMC Public Health, 2015,15(1):1-8.
Coughenour C, Coker L, Bungum T L, et al. Environmental and social determinants of youth physical activity intensity levels at neighborhood parks in Las Vegas, NV[J]. Community Health, 2014,39(6):1092-1096.
Cohen D A, Setodji C, Evenson K R, et al. How much observation is enough? Refining the administration of SOPARC[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(8):1117-1123.
Joseph R P, Maddock, J E. Observational park-based physical activity studies:A systematic review of the literature[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2016,89(8):257-277.
Shores K A, West S T. Rural and urban park visits and park-based physical activity[J]. Preventive Medicine:An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory, 2010,50(1):13-17.
Baran P, Smith W, Moore R, et al. Park use among youth and adult:Examination of individual, social, and urban form factors[J]. Environment & Behavior, 2014,46(6):768-800.
Joseph R P, Maddock, J E. Observational park-based physical activity studies:A systematic review of the literature[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2016,89(8):257-277.
Coughenour C, Coker L, Bungum T L, et al. Environmental and social determinants of youth physical activity intensity levels at neighborhood parks in Las Vegas, NV[J]. Community Health, 2014,39(6):1092-1096.
Lindberg M, Schipperijn J. Active use of urban park facilities:Expectations versus reality[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2015,14(4):909-918.
Jia Y N, Fu H. Associations between perceived and observational physical environmental factors and the use of walking paths:A cross-sectional study[J]. BMC Public Health, 2014,14(6):627-645.
Coughenour C, Coker L, Bungum T L, et al. Environmental and social determinants of youth physical activity intensity levels at neighborhood parks in Las Vegas, NV[J]. Community Health, 2014,39(6):1092-1096.
Baran P, Smith W, Moore R, et al. Park use among youth and adult:Examination of individual, social, and urban form factors[J]. Environment & Behavior, 2014,46(6):768-800.
Baran P K, Smith W R, Moore R C, et al. Park use among youth and adults:Examination of individual, social, and urban form factors[J]. Environment & Behavior, 2014,46(6):768-800.
Baran P, Smith W, Moore R, et al. Park use among youth and adult:Examination of individual, social, and urban form factors[J]. Environment & Behavior, 2014,46(6):768-800.
Lafleur M, Gonzalez E, Schwarte L, et al. Increasing physical activity in under-resourced communities through school-based, joint-use agreements, Los Angeles country, 2010, 2012[J]. Preventing Chronic Diseases, 2013,10(5):89-98.
Jia Y N, Fu H. Associations between perceived and observational physical environmental factors and the use of walking paths:A cross-sectional study[J]. BMC Public Health, 2014,14(6):627-645.
Cohen D A, Han B, Isacoff J. Impact of park renovations on park use and park-based physical activity[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2015,12(2):289-295.
Jia Y N, Fu H. Associations between perceived and observational physical environmental factors and the use of walking paths:A cross-sectional study[J]. BMC Public Health, 2014,14(6):627-645.
Chung-Do J J, Davis E, Lee S, et al. An observational study of physical activity in parks in Asian and Pacific island communities in urban Honolulu, Hawaii, 2009[J]. Preventing Chronic Diseases, 2011, 8(5):107.
Lafleur M, Gonzalez E, Schwarte L, et al. Increasing physical activity in under-resourced communities through school-based, joint-use agreements, Los Angeles country, 2010, 2012[J]. Preventing Chronic Diseases, 2013,10(5):89-98.
Roemmich J N, Beeler J E, Johnson L A. A microenvironment approach to reducing sedentary time and increasing physical activity of children and adults at a playground[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2014,62(5):108-112.
Lafleur M, Gonzalez E, Schwarte L, et al. Increasing physical activity in under-resourced communities through school-based, joint-use agreements, Los Angeles country, 2010, 2012[J]. Preventing Chronic Diseases, 2013,10(5):89-98.
Cohen D A, Han B, Derose K P, et al. Use of neighbor parks:Does socio-economic status matter? A four city study[J]. Public Health, 2013,127(4):325-332.
Chung-Do J J, Davis E, Lee S, et al. An observational study of physical activity in parks in Asian and Pacific island communities in urban Honolulu, Hawaii, 2009[J]. Preventing Chronic Diseases, 2011, 8(5):107.
Whiting J W, Larson L R, Green G T. Monitoring visitation in Georgia State Parks using the system for observing play and recreation in communities(SOPARC)[J]. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 2011,30(4):21-37.
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Shore K A, West S T. Rural and urban park visits and park-based physical activity[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2010,50(1):13-17.
Cohen D A, Han B, Derose K P, et al. Use of neighbor parks:Does socio-economic status matter? A four city study[J]. Public Health, 2013,127(4):325-332.
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Besenyi G M, Kaczynski A T, Wilhelm S, et al. Demographic variations in observed energy expenditure across park activity areas[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2013,56(1):79-81.
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Han B, Cohen D A, Derose K P. Effectiveness of a free exercise program in a neighborhood park[J]. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2015,2(1):255-258.
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Child S, Mckenzie T, Arrendondo E, et al. Associations between park facilities, user demographics, and physical activity levels at San Diego country parks[J]. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 2014,32(4):68-81.
Besenyi G M, Kaczynski A T, Wilhelm S, et al. Demographic variations in observed energy expenditure across park activity areas[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2013,56(1):79-81.
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Besenyi G M, Kaczynski A T, Wilhelm S, et al. Demographic variations in observed energy expenditure across park activity areas[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2013,56(1):79-81.
Broyles S T, Mowen A J, Theall K P, et al. Integrating social capital into a park-use and active-living framework[J]. American Journal of Preventive medicine, 2011,40(5):522-529.
Child S, Mckenzie T, Arrendondo E, et al. Associations between park facilities, user demographics, and physical activity levels at San Diego country parks[J]. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 2014,32(4):68-81.
Cohen D A, Setodji C, Evenson K R, et al. How much observation is enough? Refining the administration of SOPARC[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(8):1117-1123.
Child S, Mckenzie T, Arrendondo E, et al. Associations between park facilities, user demographics, and physical activity levels at San Diego country parks[J]. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 2014,32(4):68-81.
Reed J A, Hooker S P. User demographics and physical activity behaviors on a newly constructed urban rail/trail conversion[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(4):534-542.
Broyles S T, Mowen A J, Theall K P, et al. Integrating social capital into a park-use and active-living framework[J]. American Journal of Preventive medicine, 2011,40(5):522-529.
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King D K, Litt J, Hale J, et al. The park a tree built:Evaluating how a park development project impacted where people play[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2015,14(2):293-299.
Broyles S T, Mowen A J, Theall K P, et al. Integrating social capital into a park-use and active-living framework[J]. American Journal of Preventive medicine, 2011,40(5):522-529.
Reed J A, Hooker S P. User demographics and physical activity behaviors on a newly constructed urban rail/trail conversion[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(4):534-542.
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Reed J A, Hooker S P. User demographics and physical activity behaviors on a newly constructed urban rail/trail conversion[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(4):534-542.
Floye M F, Spengler J O, Maddock J E, et al. Park based physical activity in diverse communities of two U.S. cities:An observational study[J]. American Journal of Preventive medicine, 2011,34(4):299-305.
King D K, Litt J, Hale J, et al. The park a tree built:Evaluating how a park development project impacted where people play[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2015,14(2):293-299.
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Rung A L, Mowen A L, Broyles S T, et al. The role of park conditions and features on park visitation and physical activity[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(2):178-187.
Floye M F, Spengler J O, Maddock J E, et al. Park based physical activity in diverse communities of two U.S. cities:An observational study[J]. American Journal of Preventive medicine, 2011,34(4):299-305.
Jia Y N, Fu H. Associations between perceived and observational physical environmental factors and the use of walking paths:A cross-sectional study[J]. BMC Public Health, 2014,14(6):627-645.
Floye M F, Spengler J O, Maddock J E, et al. Park based physical activity in diverse communities of two U.S. cities:An observational study[J]. American Journal of Preventive medicine, 2011,34(4):299-305.
Walden S C, Leung Y F, Floyd M. Incorporating physical activity measures into environmental monitoring of national parks:An example from Yosemite[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2014,11(7):1284-1290.
Rung A L, Mowen A L, Broyles S T, et al. The role of park conditions and features on park visitation and physical activity[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(2):178-187.
Lafleur M, Gonzalez E, Schwarte L, et al. Increasing physical activity in under-resourced communities through school-based, joint-use agreements, Los Angeles country, 2010, 2012[J]. Preventing Chronic Diseases, 2013,10(5):89-98.
Rung A L, Mowen A L, Broyles S T, et al. The role of park conditions and features on park visitation and physical activity[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(2):178-187.
Han B, Cohen D, McKenzie T L. Quantifying the contribution of neighborhood parks to physical activity[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2013,57(5):483-487.
Walden S C, Leung Y F, Floyd M. Incorporating physical activity measures into environmental monitoring of national parks:An example from Yosemite[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2014,11(7):1284-1290.
Chung-Do J J, Davis E, Lee S, et al. An observational study of physical activity in parks in Asian and Pacific island communities in urban Honolulu, Hawaii, 2009[J]. Preventing Chronic Diseases, 2011, 8(5):107.
Walden S C, Leung Y F, Floyd M. Incorporating physical activity measures into environmental monitoring of national parks:An example from Yosemite[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2014,11(7):1284-1290.
Cohen D A, McKenzie T L, Sehgal A, et al. Contribution of public parks to physical activity. American Journal of Public health, 2007, 97(3):509-514.
Han B, Cohen D, McKenzie T L. Quantifying the contribution of neighborhood parks to physical activity[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2013,57(5):483-487.
Cohen D A, Han B, Derose K P, et al. Use of neighbor parks:Does socio-economic status matter? A four city study[J]. Public Health, 2013,127(4):325-332.
Han B, Cohen D, McKenzie T L. Quantifying the contribution of neighborhood parks to physical activity[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2013,57(5):483-487.
Sauau L J, Floyd M F, Spengler J O, et al, Energy expenditure associated with the use of neighborhood parks in 2 cities[J]. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 2012,18(5):440-444.
Cohen D A, McKenzie T L, Sehgal A, et al. Contribution of public parks to physical activity. American Journal of Public health, 2007, 97(3):509-514.
Shore K A, West S T. Rural and urban park visits and park-based physical activity[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2010,50(1):13-17.
Cohen D A, McKenzie T L, Sehgal A, et al. Contribution of public parks to physical activity. American Journal of Public health, 2007, 97(3):509-514.
许婕,赵均.SOPARC的译介及示例研究[J].福建体育科技,2015,34(3):1-2,17.[Xu Jie, Zhao Jun. Translation and introduction of SOPARC by walking through a practical example[J]. Fujian Sports Science and Technology, 2015,34(3):1-2,17.]
Sauau L J, Floyd M F, Spengler J O, et al, Energy expenditure associated with the use of neighborhood parks in 2 cities[J]. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 2012,18(5):440-444.
Besenyi G M, Kaczynski A T, Wilhelm S, et al. Demographic variations in observed energy expenditure across park activity areas[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2013,56(1):79-81.
Sauau L J, Floyd M F, Spengler J O, et al, Energy expenditure associated with the use of neighborhood parks in 2 cities[J]. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 2012,18(5):440-444.
许晓霞,柴彦威.北京居民日常休闲的性别差异[J].人文地理,2012, 27(1):22-28.[Xu Xiaoxia, Chai Yanwei. Gender difference in daily leisure behavior of Beijing residents[J]. Human Geography, 2012,27(1):22-28.]
许婕,赵均.SOPARC的译介及示例研究[J].福建体育科技,2015,34(3):1-2,17.[Xu Jie, Zhao Jun. Translation and introduction of SOPARC by walking through a practical example[J]. Fujian Sports Science and Technology, 2015,34(3):1-2,17.]
Child S, Mckenzie T, Arrendondo E, et al. Associations between park facilities, user demographics, and physical activity levels at San Diego country parks[J]. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 2014,32(4):68-81.
许婕,赵均.SOPARC的译介及示例研究[J].福建体育科技,2015,34(3):1-2,17.[Xu Jie, Zhao Jun. Translation and introduction of SOPARC by walking through a practical example[J]. Fujian Sports Science and Technology, 2015,34(3):1-2,17.]
吕红.城市公园游憩活动与其空间关系的研究[D].泰安:山东农业大学,2013:23-24.[Lv Hong. Recreation on the Relationship Between Activity and Space of the City Park[D]. Tai'an:Shandong Agricultural University, 2013:23-24.]
许晓霞,柴彦威.北京居民日常休闲的性别差异[J].人文地理,2012, 27(1):22-28.[Xu Xiaoxia, Chai Yanwei. Gender difference in daily leisure behavior of Beijing residents[J]. Human Geography, 2012,27(1):22-28.]
Broyles S T, Mowen A J, Theall K P, et al. Integrating social capital into a park-use and active-living framework[J]. American Journal of Preventive medicine, 2011,40(5):522-529.
许晓霞,柴彦威.北京居民日常休闲的性别差异[J].人文地理,2012, 27(1):22-28.[Xu Xiaoxia, Chai Yanwei. Gender difference in daily leisure behavior of Beijing residents[J]. Human Geography, 2012,27(1):22-28.]
吴元芳.城市公园免费开放背景下北京市民公园休闲行为变化与特征[J]. 地域研究与开发,2015,34(5):105-110.[Wu Yuanfang. Changes and characteristics of park leisure behavior of Beijing citizens under the background of free ticket of urban parks[J]. Areal Research and Development, 2015,34(5):105-110.]
吕红.城市公园游憩活动与其空间关系的研究[D].泰安:山东农业大学,2013:23-24.[Lv Hong. Recreation on the Relationship Between Activity and Space of the City Park[D]. Tai'an:Shandong Agricultural University, 2013:23-24.]
Reed J A, Hooker S P. User demographics and physical activity behaviors on a newly constructed urban rail/trail conversion[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(4):534-542.
吕红.城市公园游憩活动与其空间关系的研究[D].泰安:山东农业大学,2013:23-24.[Lv Hong. Recreation on the Relationship Between Activity and Space of the City Park[D]. Tai'an:Shandong Agricultural University, 2013:23-24.]
朱宏佳.重庆动步公园使用行为与空间环境的关系研究[D].重庆:重庆大学建筑城规学院,2014:32-35.[Zhu Hongjia. Research on Users' Behavior in Public Space of Chongqing Dongbu Park[D]. Chongqing:Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of Chongqing, 2014:32-35.]
吴元芳.城市公园免费开放背景下北京市民公园休闲行为变化与特征[J]. 地域研究与开发,2015,34(5):105-110.[Wu Yuanfang. Changes and characteristics of park leisure behavior of Beijing citizens under the background of free ticket of urban parks[J]. Areal Research and Development, 2015,34(5):105-110.]
King D K, Litt J, Hale J, et al. The park a tree built:Evaluating how a park development project impacted where people play[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2015,14(2):293-299.
吴元芳.城市公园免费开放背景下北京市民公园休闲行为变化与特征[J]. 地域研究与开发,2015,34(5):105-110.[Wu Yuanfang. Changes and characteristics of park leisure behavior of Beijing citizens under the background of free ticket of urban parks[J]. Areal Research and Development, 2015,34(5):105-110.]
王毅,王明杰.江汉平原农户休闲活动空间结构研究——以洪湖市螺山镇为例[J].山东农业大学学报(社会科学版),2016(1):53-62.[Wang Yi, Wang Mingjie. On space structure of leisure activities for farmers in Jianghan plain[J]. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University(Social Science Edition), 2016(1):53-62.]
朱宏佳.重庆动步公园使用行为与空间环境的关系研究[D].重庆:重庆大学建筑城规学院,2014:32-35.[Zhu Hongjia. Research on Users' Behavior in Public Space of Chongqing Dongbu Park[D]. Chongqing:Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of Chongqing, 2014:32-35.]
Floye M F, Spengler J O, Maddock J E, et al. Park based physical activity in diverse communities of two U.S. cities:An observational study[J]. American Journal of Preventive medicine, 2011,34(4):299-305.
朱宏佳.重庆动步公园使用行为与空间环境的关系研究[D].重庆:重庆大学建筑城规学院,2014:32-35.[Zhu Hongjia. Research on Users' Behavior in Public Space of Chongqing Dongbu Park[D]. Chongqing:Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of Chongqing, 2014:32-35.]
李海燕,陈佩杰,庄洁.运动传感器(SWA)在测量青少年日常体力活动水平中的应用[J].上海体育学院学报,2010,24(3):46-48.[Li Haiyan, Chen Peijie, Zhuang Jie. Application of motion sensor of surface acoustic wave to measuring teenagers' level of daily physical activity[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2010,24(3):46-48.]
王毅,王明杰.江汉平原农户休闲活动空间结构研究——以洪湖市螺山镇为例[J].山东农业大学学报(社会科学版),2016(1):53-62.[Wang Yi, Wang Mingjie. On space structure of leisure activities for farmers in Jianghan plain[J]. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University(Social Science Edition), 2016(1):53-62.]
Rung A L, Mowen A L, Broyles S T, et al. The role of park conditions and features on park visitation and physical activity[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2011,8(2):178-187.
王毅,王明杰.江汉平原农户休闲活动空间结构研究——以洪湖市螺山镇为例[J].山东农业大学学报(社会科学版),2016(1):53-62.[Wang Yi, Wang Mingjie. On space structure of leisure activities for farmers in Jianghan plain[J]. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University(Social Science Edition), 2016(1):53-62.]
赵莹,柴彦威,桂晶晶.中国城市休闲时空行为研究前沿[J].旅游学刊,2016,31(9):30-39.[Zhao Ying, Chai Yanwei, Gui Jingjing. Prospects for urban leisure studies in China:A perspective of spacetime behavior[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2016,31(9):30-39.]
李海燕,陈佩杰,庄洁.运动传感器(SWA)在测量青少年日常体力活动水平中的应用[J].上海体育学院学报,2010,24(3):46-48.[Li Haiyan, Chen Peijie, Zhuang Jie. Application of motion sensor of surface acoustic wave to measuring teenagers' level of daily physical activity[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2010,24(3):46-48.]
Walden S C, Leung Y F, Floyd M. Incorporating physical activity measures into environmental monitoring of national parks:An example from Yosemite[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2014,11(7):1284-1290.
李海燕,陈佩杰,庄洁.运动传感器(SWA)在测量青少年日常体力活动水平中的应用[J].上海体育学院学报,2010,24(3):46-48.[Li Haiyan, Chen Peijie, Zhuang Jie. Application of motion sensor of surface acoustic wave to measuring teenagers' level of daily physical activity[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2010,24(3):46-48.]
吴承照.游憩规划的定性、定位与定向[J].城市规划汇刊,1997(6):23-27,32.[Wu Chengzhao. Identification and direction of tourism planning[J]. Urban Planning Forum, 1997(6):23-27,32.]
Han B, Cohen D, McKenzie T L. Quantifying the contribution of neighborhood parks to physical activity[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2013,57(5):483-487.
赵莹,柴彦威,桂晶晶.中国城市休闲时空行为研究前沿[J].旅游学刊,2016,31(9):30-39.[Zhao Ying, Chai Yanwei, Gui Jingjing. Prospects for urban leisure studies in China:A perspective of spacetime behavior[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2016,31(9):30-39.]
赵莹,柴彦威,桂晶晶.中国城市休闲时空行为研究前沿[J].旅游学刊,2016,31(9):30-39.[Zhao Ying, Chai Yanwei, Gui Jingjing. Prospects for urban leisure studies in China:A perspective of spacetime behavior[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2016,31(9):30-39.]
吴承照.旅游区游憩活动地域组合研究[J].地理科学,1999,19(5):437-441.[Wu Chengzhao. Study on combination of recreation activities in tourism destination[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 1999, 19(5):437-441.]
Cohen D A, McKenzie T L, Sehgal A, et al. Contribution of public parks to physical activity. American Journal of Public health, 2007, 97(3):509-514.
吴承照.游憩规划的定性、定位与定向[J].城市规划汇刊,1997(6):23-27,32.[Wu Chengzhao. Identification and direction of tourism planning[J]. Urban Planning Forum, 1997(6):23-27,32.]
吴承照.游憩规划的定性、定位与定向[J].城市规划汇刊,1997(6):23-27,32.[Wu Chengzhao. Identification and direction of tourism planning[J]. Urban Planning Forum, 1997(6):23-27,32.]
罗艳菊,毕华,赵志忠,等.GIS在户外游憩管理与规划中的应用进展[J].安阳工学院学报,2006(2):48-51.[Luo Yanju, Bi hua, Zhao Zhizhong, et al. Review of GIS applications to outdoor recreation management and planning[J]. Journal of Anyang Institute of Technology, 2006(2):48-51.]
Sauau L J, Floyd M F, Spengler J O, et al, Energy expenditure associated with the use of neighborhood parks in 2 cities[J]. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 2012,18(5):440-444.
吴承照.旅游区游憩活动地域组合研究[J].地理科学,1999,19(5):437-441.[Wu Chengzhao. Study on combination of recreation activities in tourism destination[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 1999, 19(5):437-441.]
吴承照.旅游区游憩活动地域组合研究[J].地理科学,1999,19(5):437-441.[Wu Chengzhao. Study on combination of recreation activities in tourism destination[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 1999, 19(5):437-441.]
许婕,赵均.SOPARC的译介及示例研究[J].福建体育科技,2015,34(3):1-2,17.[Xu Jie, Zhao Jun. Translation and introduction of SOPARC by walking through a practical example[J]. Fujian Sports Science and Technology, 2015,34(3):1-2,17.]
罗艳菊,毕华,赵志忠,等.GIS在户外游憩管理与规划中的应用进展[J].安阳工学院学报,2006(2):48-51.[Luo Yanju, Bi hua, Zhao Zhizhong, et al. Review of GIS applications to outdoor recreation management and planning[J]. Journal of Anyang Institute of Technology, 2006(2):48-51.]
罗艳菊,毕华,赵志忠,等.GIS在户外游憩管理与规划中的应用进展[J].安阳工学院学报,2006(2):48-51.[Luo Yanju, Bi hua, Zhao Zhizhong, et al. Review of GIS applications to outdoor recreation management and planning[J]. Journal of Anyang Institute of Technology, 2006(2):48-51.]
Veitch J, Ball K, Crawford D, et al. Park improvements and park activity:A natural experiment[J]. American Journal of Preventive medicine, 2012,42(6):616-619.
许晓霞,柴彦威.北京居民日常休闲的性别差异[J].人文地理,2012, 27(1):22-28.[Xu Xiaoxia, Chai Yanwei. Gender difference in daily leisure behavior of Beijing residents[J]. Human Geography, 2012,27(1):22-28.]
Tester J, Baker R. Making the playfields even:Evaluating the impact of an environmental intervention on park use and physical activity[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2009,48(4):316-320.
吕红.城市公园游憩活动与其空间关系的研究[D].泰安:山东农业大学,2013:23-24.[Lv Hong. Recreation on the Relationship Between Activity and Space of the City Park[D]. Tai'an:Shandong Agricultural University, 2013:23-24.]
Veitch J, Ball K, Crawford D, et al. Park improvements and park activity:A natural experiment[J]. American Journal of Preventive medicine, 2012,42(6):616-619.
Veitch J, Ball K, Crawford D, et al. Park improvements and park activity:A natural experiment[J]. American Journal of Preventive medicine, 2012,42(6):616-619.
Perry C K, Saelens B E, Thompson B. Rural Latino youth park use:Characteristics, park amenities, and physical activity[J]. Journal of Community Health, 2011,36(3):389-397.
Tester J, Baker R. Making the playfields even:Evaluating the impact of an environmental intervention on park use and physical activity[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2009,48(4):316-320.
吴元芳.城市公园免费开放背景下北京市民公园休闲行为变化与特征[J]. 地域研究与开发,2015,34(5):105-110.[Wu Yuanfang. Changes and characteristics of park leisure behavior of Beijing citizens under the background of free ticket of urban parks[J]. Areal Research and Development, 2015,34(5):105-110.]
Tester J, Baker R. Making the playfields even:Evaluating the impact of an environmental intervention on park use and physical activity[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2009,48(4):316-320.
余斌,卢燕,曾菊新,等.乡村生活空间研究进展及展望[J].地理科学,2017,37(3):375-385.[Yu Bin, Lu Yan, Zeng Juxin, et al. Progress and prospect on rural living space[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017,37(3):375-385.]
Perry C K, Saelens B E, Thompson B. Rural Latino youth park use:Characteristics, park amenities, and physical activity[J]. Journal of Community Health, 2011,36(3):389-397.
朱宏佳.重庆动步公园使用行为与空间环境的关系研究[D].重庆:重庆大学建筑城规学院,2014:32-35.[Zhu Hongjia. Research on Users' Behavior in Public Space of Chongqing Dongbu Park[D]. Chongqing:Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of Chongqing, 2014:32-35.]
Perry C K, Saelens B E, Thompson B. Rural Latino youth park use:Characteristics, park amenities, and physical activity[J]. Journal of Community Health, 2011,36(3):389-397.
余斌,卢燕,曾菊新,等.乡村生活空间研究进展及展望[J].地理科学,2017,37(3):375-385.[Yu Bin, Lu Yan, Zeng Juxin, et al. Progress and prospect on rural living space[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017,37(3):375-385.]