Abstract:Since the 1980s, China's tourism development has gradually emerged rural tourism in local communities, especially in ethnic areas, became increasingly popular. While the tour fever happened, the number of struggles around the tourism were increasing, which referred as the "Tourism Resistances(TR)" in this paper. Different from the general form of resistances, TR mainly occurs in the scene of development for tourism. Local bureaus, tourism companies, village leaders, ordinary villagers and tourists are the actors who involved in this resistance events. While village cadres play the role of assistance for tourism developers and are indirect targets by the resistances, and because of dissatisfaction with the tour, tourist also involved into this TR, both on directly discourses or indirectly body marks, which further aggravates the resistances behavior. As behavior development has become the strongest foundation for tourism resistance, the TR promote the peasant's resistance to a certain extent. A large number of peasants involved into the TR and often brings a significant impact on the stability and political ecology ethnic areas of China. Therefore, with the new frame of "field-action" theory, this paper analyzes a case of TR of peasants in Xicun, Guizhou province. It is found that the capitalized formation of tour resources makes Xicun divided into sub-fields of economy, culture and politics and then shaped different people into different action groups as "power rent-seeking, dominance slaughter" and who suffered with exploration. Through a deep description of resistance events, peasants' strategies, and their evolutionary change path and the consequences in Xicun, this article is to enrich resistances behaviors representations and provide a new theory perspective of "field-action" which could beyond the duality analysis typology of "Structure-Institutional" and "Process-Event".
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