Abstract:The research on the relationship among countries' outbound tourism market is an important means of precision marketing and circumferential management, which is of great significance to the implementation of national strategies. Based on the tourism data of 1995, 2005, and 2017 released by UNWTO, 22 countries in the Asian-Pacific region are selected to construct the interactive networks. Using the centrality analysis of social network analysis, three indicators are chosen including degree centrality, closeness centrality and betweenness centrality to show the relatedness, accessibility, and interactivity characteristics of outbound tourism networks, aiming to find the power position and its transition of the countries in the region. The research results show that, in the past 23 years, the communication of China and its surrounding countries improves, countries participant in the interactions actively to share the benefits of international tourism. From the results of cross-section data, the interactive pattern is rather polarized. Several strong countries dominant and weak countries follow. The international status and influence of China rise firstly and then fall. According to the research results, the reasons of the rise of China's status from 1995 to 2005 are economic development and open foreign policy. And the fall of China's status from 2005 to 2017 is mainly because that Chinese outbound passenger flows are mainly concentrated in East Asia and Southeast Asia, lacking extensive exchanges with other regions, while the outbound tourism exchanges of other countries in the region are expanding and outbound passenger flows are gradually dispersing during this period.
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