TIAN Da-rui1, GUAN Zhen1, LI Hong-peng1, BAI Yu2 |
1. School of Architecture, Xi'an University of Architectural and Technology, Xi'an 710055, China; 2. PowerChina Northwest Engineering CO. LTD., Xi'an 710065, China |
Abstract With the continuous development of energy-enriched areas in northern Shaanxi, the contradictions between man and land, such as unreasonable spatial distribution of urban and rural areas, limited development potential, and damaged ecological environment in valleys, have become increasingly prominent in Loess Hilly and gully areas. In order to improve the development path of "river bank or plain filling type" in Loess Hilly and gully area, this paper puts forward that "sub-gully" space is an important strategic value for the development area of urban and rural edges of Valley-type cities. Taking Wuding River Basin as an object, the developmental level of human settlement in 45 sub-gully samples in the study area were comprehensively evaluated, and the main factors affecting were revealed by means of geodetector. The result shows that the development degree of human settlements in sub-gully can be divided into three levels according to the differences in the population agglomeration, the proportion of land use and economic output. The factors that affect the developmental level of human settlements in sub-gully include the depth length of sub-gully, the number of branched furrows,the scale of enterprises, and the green coverage rate, etc.
Received: 30 September 2022
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: 183595148@qq.com
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