KUANG Zhen-sheng1,2, YU Yang3
1. School of Urban & Regional Science, Eastern China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China;
2. Administrative Division Research Center of China, Eastern China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China;
3. Zhongchuang Industrial Innovation Research Center of Shanghai, Shanghai 200125, China
Abstract:The paper finds out that administrative divisions reforming in some parts of China may be caught in the situation of invariability via analyzing the phenomena of administrative divisions adjustments and research literatures of academic circle. Then the study reviews the research dynamics of internal involution and find out that the path of this field has developed from culture, economy to administrative system. Therefore, we use the concepts of involution to discuss phenomena of administrative division reforming in China and realizes that the involution effect exists in administrative layer, operational logic, spatial relationship and function or power allocation etc. Then, the study analyzes the relationships of centralization of one system structure, the resource property of administrative division and administrative area economy to explain the generation mechanism of involution of administrative division adjustments, pointing out that the path dependence of state structure results in administrative division system of China along with the resources of space, power, policy and organization, combining with administrative region economy, which become a significant precondition for the involution dilemma of administrative divisions reforming. The paper puts Changzhou (Wujin) and Hainan as examples to discuss and testify frames and conclusion of the study. Finally, the paper suggests that we should construct the frame of administrative division adjustment face to the market economy to deal with the relationship between local autonomy and centralization and provide support for deeper administrative reforming.
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