CAO Zhong-ming1,2, ZHEN Feng1,2,, LI Zhi-xuan1,2, LOBSANG Tashi2,3
1. School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China;
2. Provincial Engineering Laboratory of Smart City Design Simulation & Visualization, Nanjing 210093, China;
3. School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China
Abstract:This paper interpreted the concept of urban vibrancy on the temporal dimension using mobile signaling data. Researchers construct an evaluation index system that involves the activity intensity, mixing degree and contact strength. Based on this system, this paper summarized five temporal vibrancy modes by analyzing the vibrancy value's 24-hour daily time series clustering. Based on the indicators in the existing literature, 7 first-level indicators and 17 second-level indicators are selected from the two aspects of social economy and built environment, and multiple logistic regression model is used to investigate how influential the socioeconomic and built-environment factors are within different temporal vibrancy modes. Major conclusions indicate that: 1)The temporal vibrancy mode in the downtown area of Nanjing follows five scenarios: a. High vitality with fluctuation, b. High vitality with stability, c. Medium vitality with fluctuation, d. Medium vitality with stability and e. Low vitality with stability. 2) The spatial distribution of different temporal vibrancy modes follows specific patterns. 3) In terms of influential factors, variables including density, the population age structure, community socioeconomic status, transportation location reachability, regional planning functionality, and development intensity promote the generation of high-vitality fluctuating/stable block.
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