Abstract:Using the cell phone signaling data, take two football matches in march 2014 as the research object, this paper analyze and summarize the distribution characteristics and activity characteristics of Adrian fans, and to further explore the influence of the behavior of the fans for business around the stadium. We hope to play a guiding role in the planning of urban facilities in the future through analyzing the spatial behavior characteristics of fans who participate in large matches. Research shows the fans' spatial behavior in the two selected matches showed some differences and the distribution of fans covered the city domain and presented a layered structure, fans in different regions have their own characteristics. Secondly, the whole trajectory of the fans shows the process of gathering, dispersing and gathering and the departure time of the fans was related to the start time of the football matches. The travel purposes of the majority of the fans were the venue which was relatively clear with fewer stops on the way. Thirdly, the behavior of the fans had an impact on the business around the stadium within a certain distance range and the effect decreases with the increase of distance, while the consumer behavior demand of the fans around the stadium is more concentrated on the dietary demand. Finally, some suggestions are put forward for the application of mobile phone signaling data in the analysis of the characteristics of large-scale activities or specific populations. The innovation of this study is mainly the use of the cell phone signaling data to identify the spatial behavior of the fans group.
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