WANG Jing-ting1,2, XUE De-sheng1,2, TAN Yi-ming1,2
1. School of Geography and Urban Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China;
2. Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(Zhuhai), Zhuhai 519080, China
Abstract:Countries and regions around the South China Sea are not only important hubs for the construction and development of the Maritime Silk Road, but also an important platform for international cooperation. However, due to the differences in natural conditions, social and economic bases, and urban development stages in the region, the internal urbanization process and the urban system pattern remarkably vary among different countries. Based on the population data from 1960 to 2020, this paper presents an empirical study on the spatio-temporal characteristics of urbanization in the countries (regions) around the South China Sea. Using indicators of urban primacy index and Gini coefficient, the study yields several findings. First, while most of the countries (regions) are in later stages of urbanization, there are great differences in the levels of urbanization among these countries (regions). Second, the spatial structure of urban system in the region is dominated by strong single center structure, and there are few countries and regions with double (multi) center structure. The internal structures of urban systems have been evolved in an unbalanced manner, in the way that most countries have a high degree of urban primacy. Thirdly, The phenomenon of population spatial agglomeration in major cities is significant, and there is a tendency to further agglomeration and development.
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