CHENG Guo-yu1,2, GU Wei-gang1,2, LIU Yun-gang1,2
1. School of Geography, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China;
2. School of Geography & The Center for Asian Geographical Studies, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China
Abstract:This paper takes the South China Sea Museum as a object of study, uses the "geographical imagination" theory, adopts the methods of participatory observation, semi-structured interview, and discourse analysis, to analyze historical narrative of the museum for geographic knowledge production, and discuss the construction process of the geographic imagination. This paper aims to expand the focus on the physical space media such as museums in the study of geographical imagination from the non-western perspective. From the empirical level, it provides a new research perspective for the study and understanding of the South China Sea from the perspective of multi-scale. The results show that the geographical imagination of the South China Sea in the South China Sea Museum of China(Hainan) is not only a discourse construction, but also a practice of national territorial sovereignty on the discourse level. Place names, features, maps, and landscapes are the foundation of the geographical imagination of the South China Sea. The South China Sea Museum constructs the regional, boundary and geo-relationship imagination of the South China Sea through the spatial organization of the "past" resources. Place names, geographical entity, maps, and landscapes are the tools and core of the construction of geographical imagination of the museum. The South China Sea Museum of China(Hainan) is a place where history and science, discourse and power, reality and imagination interweave. Behind this micro-space is the negotiation and overlapping of history, culture, and geopolitics at the macro scale. Overall, geographic imagination which is built by the South China Sea Museum of China(Hainan) is incomplete.
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