Abstract:In the era of the knowledge economy, the talent competition among countries has been gradually upgraded. Since the 21st century, the total amount of international immigration has rapidly grown and the number of immigration-related research also has increased. However, there is still no systematic review on the regional consequences of international high-skilled migration in Western research. In order to fully understand the potential mechanisms and multi-dimensional influences of the high-skilled immigration, this paper has adopted the method of literature review and bibliometrics to complete the systematical review of related research. This paper receives the following main points: 1) With the development of globalization, the simple one-way flow pattern of international high-skilled migrants from developing countries to developed regions has changed. There has been an increasing return flow from the developed countries to emerging industrialized countries, such as China and India. The reverse-flow makes the perspective of existing research on the regional effect of high-skilled immigrants has changed from "brain drain" to "brain gain". 2) There are three potential mechanisms of different immigration impacts, which respectively regard immigration as the human capital, the regional linkages and the combination of different types of knowledge. 3) High-skilled immigration plays an important role in national competitiveness. On the receiving and sending countries' side, highskilled immigrations have different influences by combining their potential multiple mechanisms. 4) CiteSpace is used to facilitate the analysis of the research hotspots in existing research. In the end, this paper summarizes the shortcomings of Western researches and discusses future development trend of domestic researches in the related issues.
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