TAO Wei1,2, TANG Pei1,2
1. School of Geography Science, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China;
2. Center for Sustainable Development of Rural and Town in Guangdong-Hong KongMacau Greater Bay Area, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China
Abstract:Poverty is a complex and comprehensive proposition. This study examines the relevant research of economics, comprehensive humanities and social sciences, geography and statistics on multidimensional poverty in rural China, and summarizes the research progress on its concepts and research paradigms. It mainly has two conclusions: First, there are many similarities between the different disciplines, including the joint attention to the concept of 'dynamic multidimensional poverty', the joint discussion on the issue of 'multidimensional poverty measurement and identification', as well as the common application of multidimensional analytical frameworks; The second is that the different disciplines also have their own characteristics. For example, economics has derived the concept of 'asset poverty', while the geography discusses the notions of 'spatial poverty' and 'comprehensive poverty', the comprehensive humanities and social sciences discusses the notion of 'recessive poverty'. Furthermore, on the analytical framework, economics, comprehensive humanities and social sciences and geography have made some positive explorations based on the traditional analytical framework.
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