Abstract:Clarifying the development of service geography in China and grasping the direction can help promote the resonance of service geography research with economic development and national strategies, which enhance the discipline's status. Based on geographic results of the National Natural Science Fund of China, this thesis systematically outlines the development of service geography in different stages, summarizes the development characteristics, and points out the innovative direction. The results indicate that the development of service geography in China has gone through the stages of exploration, initial formation, rapid development, as well as reform and innovation, gradually forming a comprehensive, multi-dimensional, and stereoscopic research system of service geography which is closely integrated with national and regional development needs. With expanding scope and content, together with increasingly diverse data and methods, service geography highlights interdisciplinary characteristics on practical, applied, and comprehensive. There are 5 innovative directions of service industry geography. First, it needs to research the construction of a new system for the service industry in accordance with the requirements of the times for building a modern industrial system. Second,according to the development layout of world centers, national centers and regional centers, it needs study the construction of comprehensive and three-dimensional spatial service network.Third, focusing on industrial integration and digital-reality integration, it does research on the convergence of productive service industry with modern agriculture and advanced manufacturing industry.Fourthly,closely following the development requirements of building a higher level of new open economic system, it should pay attention to high-level open development of the service industry. Fifth, in line with the development concept of sharing development which is beneficial to people, the spatial balance and co-ordination of supply and demand in public services and living services should be focused on.
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