ZHANG Heng1,3, YANG Yong-chun1,2, SHI Kun-bo1
1. School of Resource and Environment Science, Lanzhou 730000, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Western China's Environmental Systems, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China;
3. China Development Bank Corporation Ningxia Branch, Yinchuan 750002, China
Abstract:Since the Reform and Opening-up, with the acceleration of globalization and urbanization, and the background of market economy, cultural orientation of urban construction has gradually become the local competition strategy of urban redevelopment. In the new period, national culture with local characteristics has become a city culture construction, cultural consumption of the new style and new orientation. Meanwhile, the development of culture promote the rise of the cultural industry and accelerated development, which to improve the city image, to attract social talents and capital investment, to improve the competitiveness and influence of the city. During the transitional period, under the leading of the new Marxism school, physical landscape of part of the city has appeared Islamization process in Hui's neighborhood of Chinese mainland. But related research has relatively weaked so far. So based on landscape perspective, taking Yinchuan city as research cases, this paper focuses on architecture landscape to study the spatial pattern characteristics and the driving mechanism of its Islamization from 1980 to 2015, using the way of GIS spatial analysis and general statistical based on the first-hand information of deep interviews and field study. The empirical results of Yinchuan indicate that the space distribution of architecture landscape Islamization appears relatively unbalanced situation: the types of experience monocentric agglomeration (single-center) and polycentric concentration layout(multiple-center) throughout evolution tendency.
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