YIN Chao-hui1,2, LIU Yan-fang1,2, WEI Xiao-jian2
1. School of Resource and Environment Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China;
2. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Geographic Information System, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China;
2. School of Geomatics, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, China
Abstract:Measuring the multi-scale road network centrality can help to understand the hierarchical structure of global and local road network and the spatial heterogeneity according to the changed search radius. The analysis of the correlation between multi-scale road network centrality and the spatial distribution of social economic activities is necessary to grasp the influence of the urban global and local road network on the social economic activities and the coordination between them. In this paper, urban network analysis tool is used to measure the multi-scale road network centrality, which includes closeness centrality, betweenness centrality and straightness centrality, in the main city of Wuhan, and the relationship between it and the spatial distribution of various social economic activities is analyzed. The research results show that:1) the spatial pattern of centrality indices varies in different scales. 2) The correlation between road network centrality indices and various social economic activities distribution varies with the scale but positively. 3) The multiscale relationship between road network centrality and social economic activities distribution differs. 4) There is an uncoordinated region between the road network centrality and the social economic activities distribution in Wuhan city.
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