LU Song1, ZHANG Ye-chen2, WANG Lin-lin2
1. College of Tourism, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China;
2. College of Territorial Resources and Tourism, Anhui Normal Univrsity, Wuhu 241002, China
Abstract:Since 21st century, ancient villages have been the most popular tourist destination. These villages attract a large number of tourists. At the same time, there are many external populations to come here to live and work. And they are named tourism migrations. As a world cultural heritage, Hongcun village attracts a large number of workers, business owners, and even retirees. On the case study of Hongcun village, This paper discusses the social integration structure and level of tourism migrations in ancient villages. Then the method of exploratory factor analysis and the multiple regression equation is introduced to analyze the factors that affect the social integration. Research results show that:First, the social integration of tourism migration in Hongcun contains 4 dimensions, which are cultural fusion, psychological fusion, identity fusion and economic integration. Second, the level of social integration is not high. And psychological integration is best of all, the factor score is 3.57 points. Then cultural integration and identity integration do not reach the medium level. The internal discrete of cultural fusion dimension is strong. Among these dimensions, economic integration is the lowest. Third, the main factors that affect the social integration of tourism migration are divided into individual factors and local factors. The influencing extent of local factors is greater than the individual factors. At last, compared with the social integration of the mass city migration of peasant workers, the characters of tourism migration' social integration in ancient villages have been discussed. For example, the economic integration is the lowest dimension, tourism migrations takes relatively high end occupations, the potential impact of tourism migration on the host community in ancient villages is much bigger.
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周皓.流动人口社会融合的测量及理论思考[J].人口研究,2012,36(3):27-37.[Zhou Hao. Measurement and theoretical perspectives of immigrant assimilation in China[J]. Population Research, 2012,36(3):27-37.]
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宋月萍,陶椰.融入与接纳:互动视角下的流动人口社会融合实证研究[J].人口研究,2012,36(3):38-49.[Song Yueping, Tao Ye. Assimilation and acceptance:An empirical study on migrants' social assimilation from interactive perspective[J]. Population Research, 2012,36(3):38-49.]
余运江,高向东,郭庆.新生代乡-城流动人口社会融合研究:基于上海的调查分析[J].人口与经济,2012(1):57-64.[Yu Yunjiang, Gao Xiangdong, Guo Qing. Research on social integraion for new generation of rural-urban migrants:Based on the survey in Shanghai[J]. Population and Economics, 2012(1):57-64.]
谢桂华.中国流动人口的人力资本回报与社会融合[J].中国社会科学,2012(4):103-124.[Xie Guihua. Returns to human capital and social integration of migrants in China[J]. Social Sciences in China, 2012(4):103-124.]
杨钊,陆林.旅游移民研究体系及方法初探[J].地理研究,2008,27(4):949-962.[Yang Zhao, Lu Lin. A preliminary study on research system and methods of tourism migration[J]. Geographical Research, 2008,27(4):949-962.]
杨钊,陆林.九华山旅游劳工移民行为特征分析[J].资源开发与市场,2007,23(2):171-175.[Yang Zhao, Lu Lin. Analysis on behavioral characteristics of tourism labor migrants in Jiuhua mountain[J]. Resource Development and Market, 2007,23(2):171-175.]
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杨钊,上官筱燕,蔡永寿,等.九寨沟旅游劳工迁移微观驱动力分析[J].地理研究,2013,32(2):347-359.[Yang Zhao, Shangguan Youyan, Cai Yongshou, et al. Analysis of tourism labor migrants' micromotivation in Jiuzhaigou based on mixed methods approaches[J]. Geographical Research, 2013,32(2):347-359.]
杜春燕,杜永波,毛颖.旅游劳工移民的文化身份建构——基于文化适应视角的个案研究[J].旅游研究,2010,2(2):26-29.[Du Chunyan, Du Yongbo, Mao Ying. On the cultural identity construction of tourism laborm igration:A case study of cultural adaptation perspective[J]. Tourism Research, 2010,2(2):26-29.]
Silvia D, Thomas F. Institutional conditions for the integration of immigrants in welfare states:A comparison of the literature on Germany, France, Great Britain, and the Netherlands[J]. European Journal of Political Research, 1997,31:401-426.
饶勇.旅游开发背景下的精英劳动力迁入与本地社区边缘化——以海南三亚为例[J].旅游学刊,2013,28(1):46-53.[Rao Yong. Elite labor immigration and marginalization of local community in tourism development:A case study of Sanya city, China[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2013,28(10):46-53.]
田凯.关于农民工城市适应性的调查分析与思考[J].社会学研究, 1995(5):90-95.[Tian Kai. Investigation and analysis on the adaptability of migrant workers in cities[J]. Sociology Research, 1995, (5):90-95.]
吴悦芳,徐红罡.基于流动性视角的第二居所旅游研究综述[J].地理科学进展,2012,31(6):799-807.[Wu Yuefang, Xu Honggang. A literature review of second residence tourism:Implication on mobility analysis[J]. Progress in Geography, 2012,31(6):799-807.]
汪明峰,程红,宁越敏.上海城中村外来人口的社会融合及其影响因素[J].地理学报,2015,70(8):1243-1255.[Wang Mingfeng, Cheng Hong, Ning Yuemin. Social integration of migrants in Shanghai's urban vilages[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015,70(8):1243-1255.]
王桂新,张得志.上海外来人口生存状态与社会融合研究[J].市场与人口分析,2006,12(5):1-12.[Wang Guixin, Zhang Dezhi. Research on the survival conditions and social inclusion of the immigrants in Shanghai city[J]. Market and Demographic Analysis, 2006,12(5):1-12.]
徐红罡,唐香姐.流动性视角下打工旅游者行为特征研究——以大理古城为例[J].人文地理,2015, 30(4):129-135.[Xu Honggang, Tang Xiangjie. The behavior of working tourists on mobility analysis:A case study of Dali historical town[J]. Human Geography, 2015,30(4):129-135.]
马少吟,徐红罡.从消费到生产:大理古城生活方式型旅游企业主移民的生存特征[J].旅游学刊,2016,31(5):81-88.[Ma Shaoyin, Xu Honggang. From consumption to production:Understanding the tourism lifestyle entrepreneur in Dali[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2016,31(5):81-88.]
马西恒,童星.敦睦他者:城市新移民的社会融合之路[J].学海, 2008,23(2):15-22.[Ma Xiheng, Tong Xing. Concord with others:Social integration of new urban immigrants[J]. Academia Bimestrie, 2008,23(2):15-22.]
田明,薄俊丽.东部地区流动人口城市融入的比较研究[J].人文地理,2014,29(1):43-48.[Tian Ming, Bo Junli. A comparative study of migrant urban integration with principal component analysis[J]. Human Geography, 2014,29(1):43-48.]
杜鹏,丁志宏,李兵,等.来京人口的就业、权益保障与社会融合[J]. 人口研究,2005(4):53-61.[Du Peng, Ding Zhihong, Li Bing, et al. Employment, right protection and social integration of those migrants in Beijing[J]. Population Studies, 2005(4):53-61.]
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