Abstract:As the aging of the population increase in China society and the coming of the era of mass tourism, the old-age care tourism as a new endowment mode is highly concerned by the whole society and become the new domain of tourism academic research. The research on the influencing factors of the decision-making behavior of the old-age care tourism is used to find the inner drive of tourism subject and further expand old-age care tourism market. Furthermore, the analysis of the decision-making behavior of the old-age care tourism main body is related to the construction of the destination. The image, infrastructure and service level of old-age care tourism destination are directly affected by the decision-making behavior of the old-age tourism. This is helpful to promote the healthy development of China's old-age care tourism. Therefore, this paper introduces the Life Course Theory to study the decision-making behavior of old-age tourists. In this paper, we design a questionnaire with the variables that affect the decision-making behavior of the old-age care tourism that select based on the Life Course Theory. Field survey was conducted in Chongqing City, and binary logistic regression model was used to analyze the survey data. Put the data into the regression model. At last the results obtained showed:There are eight factors have significant effects on the decision-making behavior of the old-age care tourism. Including area of residence, engaged in the occupation before retirement, annual income level after retirement, whether there is a need to take care of the family, level of education, pension savings, the highest annual travel frequency of individual, the frequency of dynamic activity.
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