WANG Wu-lin1, LUO Wan-lu2, ZHOU Wei-jian2
1. College of Tourism, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China; 2. College of Environment & Safety Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China
Abstract:Urban and rural areas represent two symbiotic, co-evolving systems. they constitute the broader urban-rural regional framework system Collectively. As a link between urban and rural, county is an important entry point for research on urban-rural integration. Therefore, it is particularly vital to sort out the mechanism of urban-rural integration development and evolution from the perspective of county. Taking county territory of Fujian province as research unit, the paper constructs a multi-dimensional evaluation index system of urban-rural population, economy, society, ecology and space to measure the level of urban-rural integration from 2011 to 2020, and explores its spatiotemporal coupling relationship and transition mechanism with the methods of LISA spatio-temporal path, LISA spatial-temporal transition and quantile regression. The results indicate that: 1) The development level of urban-rural integration of counties in Fujian province continues to improve, showing the differentiation characteristics of "high-value areas clustering in western Fujian, loosing in eastern Fujian; low-value areas clustering in southern and northern Fujian", and the spatial agglomeration has a weakening trend. 2) Generally speaking, the spatial pattern of the urban-rural integration is relatively stable in Fujian province, with weak spatial dependence and strong spatial integration. 3) The factor-driven models of the urban-rural integration are "economy-education-government" low-quantile driver, "industry-income" low-quantile constraint, "industry-labor force" high-quantile driver and "government-income" high-quantile constraint in Fujian province.
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