CHEN Pin-yu1,2, KONG Xiang1,2, YUAN Chao1,2, WU Dong1,2
1. Centre for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China;
2. School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
Abstract:Tourism as a social phenomenon is the main force of production and reproduction of "places". This paper proposes a research frameworkof placemaking on strategy and its local response, exploring the placemaking's strategies and how the tourists and residents response with a case study of Liyang In Lane in Huangshan city, China. Qualitative research methods are used comprehensively, including non-participatory observation, interview and text analysis. It was found that the developer and operator aims at creating the Liyang In Lane as a place with Huizhou characteristics, full of fashionable atmosphere without losing the nostalgic mood. Three aspects was adopted for placemaking. Firstly, in terms of architecture and landscape design, it retains the traditional Huizhou architecture and transplants other Huizhou elements. At the same time, the modern architectural language was applied and the street atmosphere was organically updated. Secondly, in terms of the construction of place image, it shows a pleasant and lively place atmosphere from the visual media of WeChat public account, film and television media and traveler blog, shaping the perception and expectation of tourists. Thirdly, in terms of festival activities, fashion culture and Huizhou culture were mixed, traditional festivals and modern festivals were blended. It shows the characteristics of multiculturalism through the performance of normalized and themed festivals. From the response of tourists, Liyang In Lane is a place that interweavs place and placelessness. While from the response of residents, they express the sentiment of displacement to Liyang In Lane.
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