Abstract:With the globalization of culture and the vigorous development of the domestic cultural industry, the designer toy industry has become one of the most prosperous emerging cultural formats in China in recent years. The rapid offline expansion of designer toy stores and the strong emotional and social needs of players for designer toy also help to explore the emotional significance of subcultural consumption space to people. In order to find out people's special attachment complex on subcultural consumption space, this research will study designer toy store with the help of place attachment theory. As an exploratory research, five POP MART stores in Dalian are taken as a case, and first-hand data are collected from observation and interviews. The subjects of the survey were 14 designer toy players who entered POP MART stores for consumption and who know more about designer toy. The data collection mainly involves three aspects: 1)What are the motivations for players to go to the store; 2)Players' consumption experience in the store and what they think; 3)What words would players use to describe the stores? After organizing the data, this study follows the basic idea of grounded theory, perform three-level coding analysis of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding on the data. In open coding, the article extracts 61 native concepts in conceptual stage and forms 13 categories after categorization, and forms five main categories in axial coding, i. e., subcultural style, cultural aesthetics, consumption space, leisure time, and social interaction. Finally, a theoretical model of place attachment in subcultural consumption space is constructed after selective coding.
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