WANG Jie-jing1, ZHU Wei2, LIU Tao3
1. School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China;
2. Urban Construction School, Beijing City University, Beijing 100083, China;
3. School of Urban and Environment, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Abstract:Based on the survey data of Beijing in 2018, this study explores the effects of spatial accessibility to public services, social capital and their interaction effects on residents' mental well-being, as well as the differences of the impacts between new citizens and local citizens. The multi-level regression models and spatial analysis methods are employed to analyze both the direct and moderator effects of these factors on mental well-being of residents. We found that the degree of spatial accessibility to public services is negatively associated with the mental well-being of residents, which is more prominent in the group of new citizens. The tightness of social networks and the ability of getting financial support from social networks have significant positive effects on mental well-being. The differences of the effects, however, do not exist between new citizens and local citizens. The scale and tightness of social networks exacerbate the effect of spatial accessibility to public services on mental health. These results echo the propositions of the social ecological models of health promotion, which emphasize that the interrelationships among environmental settings (e.g. the spatial accessibility to public services) and personal attributes (e.g. social capital) can influence a variety of health outcomes, including the mental well-being.
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