LIN Sai-nan1,2, ZHANG Xu3, GUO Yan1,2
1. School of Urban Design, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China;
2. Hubei Habitat Environment Research Centre of Engineering and Technology, Wuhan 430072, China;
3. School of Law, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
Abstract:As entering the phase of high-quality urbanization, promoting internal migrants' mental health has become increasingly important, particularly to the realization of "Healthy China" and "People-oriented" New Urbanization strategy. Using a survey data of 716 questionnaires collected from 61 neighborhoods in Wuhan, central China, this study examines the relationships among environmental perception, life satisfaction and mental health based on the approach of structural equation modeling. This paper contributes to the comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms underlying migrants' mental health, thus helping make effective urban policies. There are four major findings. First, migrants' mental health is greatly influenced by their environmental perception. Second, social support is the most important factor that directly influences migrants' mental health. Moreover, life satisfaction plays a key intermediary role in the impact of environmental perception on mental health. Last but not the least, migrants with different demographic and socioeconomic statuses show different levels of mental health, and their underlying mechanisms are different.
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