HOU Xue-feng1,3, TAO Wei1,2
1. School of Geography, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China; 2. Center for Sustainable Development of Villages and Towns in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Marco Greater Bay Area, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China; 3. Hanshan Normal University, Chaozhou 521041, China
Abstract:Livelihood is intricately connected to rural development and rural research, playing a pivotal role in assisting rural households in poverty alleviation, examining agricultural dynamics, and addressing rural development issues. In the face of the increasingly tense contradiction between locally focused sustainable livelihood approaches and the fluidity of networked societies, the renowned livelihood scholar Scoones proposed that scale be considered a central element of livelihood approaches. This necessitates livelihood research to transcend the confines of local spaces and interpret livelihood from a translocal perspective, which has become the focal point and developmental direction of current livelihood research. Translocal livelihood has found wide applications in elucidating rural development, migration, resilience, climate change, and other domains, offering significant theoretical and practical value. This article systematically reviews the origins, essence, key elements, and research topics of translocal livelihood, and based on this groundwork, constructs a research framework for translocal livelihood, holding critical implications for advancing the paradigm of livelihood research and implementing rural revitalization strategies.
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