Abstract:This study from the perspective of proactive urban renewal, a systematic theoretical analysis has been conducted on the direction of urban isolated enclaves and its spatial transformation, as well as the production of cultural tourism space, aiming to explore the path of cultural tourism space transformation from isolation to integration. Specifically, data collection methods such as observation, semi-structured interview, and text analysis were used to empirically analyze the transformation path of cultural tourism space production, taking Huangpu Ancient Village in Guangzhou as an example. The research conclusion is that: 1)Urban villages are urban isolated, which are the fragmentation of organic spatial relationships in the city, exhibiting characteristics of landscape, management, economy, and culture islands. 2)"Power-Capital-Culture" constitutes the fundamental elements of cultural tourism space production in the context of urban isolated enclave transformation,In the production of cultural tourism spaces in Huangpu Village, the logic of power brings about spatial invasion and control, the logic of capital brings about spatial inefficiency and path exploration, and the logic of culture brings about spatial embedding and integration adaptation. 3)"Cultural Tourism+Urban Renewal "is one of the paths for the reproduction of urban isolated spaces represented by Huangpu Village. It regards culture as the core element and uses cultural tourism development as the driving force for proactive urbanization of urban isolated enclaves.
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