Abstract:This paper analyzes the reason why a non-traditional dish in destination becomes the representative of local food culture in a short time, what is the customer-perceived path of the food authenticity in tourist destinations and how can the food culture of tourist destinations adapt to the demand of tourism through authenticity reproduction. Focusing on the customer perception on authenticity reproduction in the destination restaurant, we use mixed methods of both structural equation model and in-depth interviews to interpret the theoretical concept of authenticity reproduction. Some conclusions are drawn as follows. First, the ability to strip and reconstruct the cultural authenticity becomes the key to transform the non-traditional dish into a representative of local food culture in a short period of time, the process of which must be assisted by external forces of highlighting the symbolic properties of the non-traditional dish. Second, the service authenticity has the greatest impact on the customer perception, while the food authenticity performs as the most significant factor associated with the customer satisfaction. Third, tourist perception plays a connecting role in the cycle of authenticity reproduction which is the realization of tourists' dietary empowerment in the negotiation and co-creation of cultural values. Rather than considering that the right of cultural reproduction is focused on the food culture production in tourist destination, it is better to say that the paradox of the authenticity perception of the local food culture caused by neophobic and neophylic requires both insiders and outsiders adjust the inherent cultural construction bias sequentially.
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