Abstract:Returning migrant workers play a crucial role in the sustainable development of rural human resources through their decisions to return and their subsequent living conditions in rural tourism destinations. Based on in-depth interviews with 21 returning migrant workers in the rural tourism destinations of Miaoshan Village and Shuikou Village in Huzhou City, this study employs the grounded theory method and utilizes the qualitative analysis software Nvivo12 to analyze the interview data, constructing a theoretical model of the well-being formation mechanism for returning migrant workers in rural tourism destinations. The study proposes the following conclusions: firstly, it identifies the structural dimensions of the well-being of returning migrant workers in rural tourism destinations. The structure of well-being consists of 8 dimensions and 24 categories, including rational traits, emotional traits, difference perception, environmental perception, individual perception, multifaceted interaction, value affirmation, and behavioral commitment. Secondly, the study constructs a mechanism for the formation of well-being among returning rural tourism practitioners from a process perspective. Thirdly, research has found that rural tourism destination residents have their own evaluation preferences in the process of forming their sense of well-being. The results show that rational traits, emotional traits, difference perception, environment perception, individual perception, multifaceted interaction, value affirmation, and behavioral commitment form a mechanism model in a three-stage, multi-level manner, resulting in the well-being of returning workers.
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