1. School of Geography and Tourism, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, China;
2. The Faculty of Management, Business College of Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030031, China;
3. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Tourism Informatics, Xi'an 710119, China;
4. School of Economics and Management, Northwestern University, Xi'an 710127, China
Abstract:People integrate into the living environment constantly relying on the home which throughout the life process. It is an important content of human development to understand the home deeply. Therefore, based on the materials in home, taking a fired Miao village in Guizhou province as a case, through field interviews, using qualitative research methods to explore the objects, emotions and meanings of home, we found that the important things\the feelings and meanings connected by the family are highlighted after the disaster. 1) There are more things composed of the "home", they are all essential to the existence and the meaning of life. Miao clothing as a symbol of Miao national characteristics bearing the self identity of the nation is very particular, emotion and value meaning about it is unique and multiple. 2) Things are connected with people's emotion, such as belonging\inheritance\integration\security\comfort\accomplishment\happiness and convenience, plays a roles in emotional meaning, but also carries property accumulation\survival\feeling connection\memorial inheritance\symbol representation\self achievement\spatial definition and rituals, all of them with functional significance. 3) Home is not just the center of material supply that is full of living resources, carrying the milepost of life experiences, but even more the place where the emotional and social significance rooted, providing material and spiritual energy for human wrapped up love and dignity.
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