ZHOU Tao1,2, ZHANG Pu-jie1
1. School of Management Science and Real Estate, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China;
2. Research Center for Construction Economy and Management, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China
Abstract:Rural revitalization calls for endogenous development in rural areas. It is of great significance to objectively understand the spatial and temporal differentiation pattern and interaction relationship of rural development capacity for the implementation of rural revitalization strategy. Based on prefecture-level cities data in six provinces of the central China, this paper constructs the measurement index system from three dimensions of agricultural industry development, rural infrastructure construction and farmer social life and introduces panel vector autoregressive model, so as to identify sensitive factors affecting rural development capacity and measure multidimensional rural development capability index. Then it uses exploratory spatiotemporal data analysis method to reveal the spatio-temporal interaction characteristics of multidimensional rural development capability. The main conclusions are as follows. Firstly, during the study period, the multidimensional rural development capability in the six provinces of central China had been proved, however, there is obvious spatial heterogeneity and significant differences among different dimensions. Secondly, the multi-dimensional rural development capacity shows strong dynamics in regional spatial pattern and strong spatial dependence overall. Thirdly, the spatio-temporal interaction network of multidimensional rural development capacity in neighboring cities is mainly positive correlation, and local space presents different competitive and cooperative situation.
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