Abstract:Since the 1980s, toponymy studies in the Western societies has shifted away from traditional to critical paradigm. Critical toponymy holds that toponyms take active part in creating place and in building identity by implanting cultural-political connotations and power relations into neutral physical spaces. But Chinese scholars always consider toponyms only as transparent signifiers that designate places as objects or artifacts within a predefined geographical space has paid little attention to this turning. The intrinsic trait of a place-name make it disputed, thus the critical paradigm attaches more importance to insight on cultural, economic, ethnic and political conflicts of naming practices. As to the critical toponymy, human geographers have made great contribution to examine the motivation, contradiction and identification involved in place naming or renaming and to the advance in critical social theory. Based on the context of social transformation, by collecting the website material about the discussion on the changes in administrative division and place name of Huizhou, by using the critical paradigm for reference and combing the theory of field and social memory, this pepper adopt the text analysis to explore the social responses and driving force to the changes in place-name of Huizhou. It found a great difference existing in social responses to the changes. At the first time of belonging to Jiangxi Province, the common people in Wuyuan County vigorously resisted the policymakers and succeed finally, at the second time, they accepted gradually the reality. The media, scholar, civilian and official have different opinions and focuses about the renaming and recovering of Huizhou place-name and each of their semantic network has a pattern of its own. The intrinsic mechanism of toponymic changes of Huizhou can be explained as next, political rights, economic capital and social memory respectively reconstructed the field boundary of Huizhou place-name, weakened the field strength of Huizhou place-name, and gave away to and merged with the field of Huangshan place name separately.
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