YE Yuan-yuan1,2, LIU Yu-ting2
1. Guangdong Polytechnic College, Foshan 528041, China;
2. School of Architecture, State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
Abstract:As the practice unit of social and urban development, how to return to the essence and form a sustainable driving force is the key to community development. Based on the relevant researches, neighboring emphasizes the connection of relationship, identification and belonging of emotion, and the consciousness of "forour" embedded in it, that is full with the characteristics of internalization and is an important essentialembodimentof community. Combined with the case investigation of 15 communities in Guangzhou, this study explored the factor structure of neighboring through factor analysis method(EFA, CFA), and analyzed the deep connotation and characteristics of neighboring in the modern urban, analyzed the different characteristicsof neighboring between various types of communities and the possible influencing factors, and then explored its practical significance. Inconclusion, neighboring contains three main factors, which named "sense of home", "cohesion" and "action force", and contains abundant endogenous driving energy. There are various differences on the neighboring level between and within variouscommunities.The neighboring level of commodity housing, affordable housing, and traditional communities is relatively high, while that of urban villages, danwei communities is relativelylow.The aging of property and the mixed population have a series of negative effects on its neighboring level.Communities should return to their essence of neighborhood, cultivate their own energy and capital according to the problems, characteristics and resources of different kinds of communities, and promote the well development of "endogenous drive".
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